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Lord of the Flies

Essay by   •  February 13, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,727 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,242 Views

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Lord of the Flies

My name is Piggy the first day I met Ralph I thought I was going to have a best friend. Come to find out he is the complete opposite of what I expected. The first thing he does is call me Piggy, a name that I got from being teased in school. Then I showed Ralph how to use the sea shell as a conch and he does not even say thank you. When Ralph finally got the hang of the conch he blew it so loud that all the birds flew into the air. Next thing we know tons and tons of children start to come out of the woods. Once we noticed that there were no more children coming, there needed to be order. Since I taught Ralph how to use the conch everyone thought he should be leader which he gladly accepted. After that we met a kid named Jack and his choir boy's. He was very mean to me and picked on me all the time. Jack and I might not become good friends but it looks like Ralph and him get along that's all that matters, that everyone can get along. I have to go now because some children are coming over I will try to write back as soon as I can bye.

Ralph and I see a boat or smoke from some type of object. Ralph and I are thinking the same so we both start running but I had to slow down because of my asthma. We are rushing as fast as we can to the top of the mountain where the fire was made. When we got there we found out that the fire is out. Ralph is furious I can see it in his eyes it looked like he was about to blow his head off his shoulders. Suddenly, we heard cheering coming from the forest it is Jack and his friends who were suppose to be watching the fire. When they got to the fire site they had a pig they finally caught an animal so we can eat. Ralph see's the pig but right now I do not think he really cared about the food. Next thing I know Ralph is just going of at Jack about how there was a smoke signal on the sea top but the fire was out an we could not try and signal it down. Jack gets so mad that he picks on me and punched me in the stomach. I must go now think I here Jack coming for me.

My friends and I return to the mountain top cheering and singing because we have just caught our first pig. As soon as we make I to the top of the hill Ralph looks mad. I am thinking to my self what's wrong now I hope I did not do anything wrong. All of a sudden Ralph starts yelling at me I do not even know why so that got me very mad and I started to yell back at him. Then he tells me that there was smoke signal out at sea and how if there was a fire maybe we could have gotten rescued. Even though Ralph was mad about the fire I still think he could have been happy for me and the pig I caught so we can eat. Since I was mad instead of getting back at Ralph I picked on Piggy and punched him in the stomach. Well I got to go right now I am about to take out some more anger on Piggy.

I am very nervous right now this is my first time going hunting. We found some fresh pig dropping that mines we are on the right trail of the pig. It is only me out of may group every one else is one of Jacks friends. That even worries me more because me and Jack do not get along so who knows they could tie me down and leave for the beast to eat me. So I made sure to watch everyone around me and made sure they did not try to ambush me. I guess I can see why jack like hunting so much there is just a great rush of adrenaline searching for food. Finally we catch the sight of the pig we have been trailing we go in for the kill I through my stick at it a hit it hit the pig. Then we chase down the pig and catch it. I got to go now I can not think with Jacks friends making all that noise.

I can not stand Ralph first he yells at me for not keeping the fire going now he wants to hunt with us. Why can he just leave me a lone so I can hunt with out having to make sure he can keeping up. I see the pig and I yell attack! We all attack the pig and guess who wounds it Ralph why him out all the people now I look bad because it was his first time and he hits the pig. All the boys are cheering him on like I did not even exist and like Ralph was a hero because he caught the hit the pig on his first try. So I will be a good sport for now and congratulate him for his it by saying beginners luck. Then we take finish hunting the pig and make our way back to the mountain top. I guess this means I will have to finish writing later bye.

My thoughts on Simons' death I do not know what to say it was so sudden and shocking. I believe it was an accident we were all scared that night. How would we have known it was Simon coming out of the forest at night? Everyone is either freaked out or trying to deny that they were even a part of Simons death. Now that Simon is dead it is only me, Ralph, and Sam n' Eric that means our group is short handed. Jack same as usual trying to make everyone



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