Ltte - Tamil Tigers
Essay by review • March 17, 2011 • Essay • 987 Words (4 Pages) • 1,775 Views
LTTE is probably the most violent and well organized terrorist organization in the world. The activists of LTTE are trying to take over a part of northern and eastern Sri Lanka because they consider it their “own” state wanting to make it independent through a violent campaign of terrorist acts all around Sri Lanka. The biggest enemy of the Tamil Tigers, the other way to call them, is the government of Sri Lanka.
Dravidian people that were originally from the south of India are named Tamils after their own language, Tamilian. When India was still a British colony, British colonial authorities made all the Tamilian people move, they moved to a lot of countries among them, Sri Lanka, with one of the biggest population of Tamils. Tamils were people who worked on the tea plantations before they were moved, but they still continue that since it became something like a tradition that most of them have to be tea planters. These peoples main religion is Hinduism but they practice a lot of other religions, though their official is Hindu.
Difference among ethnicity, religion, language, and history, as well as some others, are probably the most spread topics for conflicts. In every conflict there has to be some background that might have lead to it. The problem occurred when the Tamils first moved from India, since they were all new to the country and to all the traditions those people had, they started to be treated in a different way, not the way they treated others. The government did not support them and they started to live in poverty, but even though a lot of time passed since then, nothing changed, many of Tamilians are still experiencing poor living conditions as well as working conditions. There are also some differences in religion and the language between the Tamils and the native Sri Lankan people. After the riots in Sri Lanka, which occurred because of the government changing the official language and because of the government refusing to give more power to the Northern and Eastern parts of Sri Lanka since Tamils were the majority, thousands of Tamilian people were killed by the government forces and the others were forced to leave their homes and move to other areas when thousands of soldiers followed them to put down any resistance occurring, Tamilians became even more against the government and started developing their own force to resist.
Velupillai Prabhakaran, the creator of the LTTE, founded the organization in 1975, right away he gained many supporters, mostly the Tamil youth, and some of them even joined the organization later. Prabhakaran created many parts to his organization: the “Sea Tigers, “ the “Air Tigers, “ the “Black Tigers, “ and the political part of the group. Each one of these groups is responsible for doing their own jobs. The “Sea Tigers “ are responsible of destroying any enemy considered ships, the “Air Tigers “ are responsible of destroying any enemy considered aircraft, they even have their own aircraft, the “Black Tigers “ are probably the deadliest part of their organization, since they are responsible of attacking military, political, economic and even civil targets, and the political part of the organization is responsible of introducing the interests of the Tamilian people in the government. The “Black Tigers “ are as well recognized as the suicide bombers.
The LTTE is a well trained organization, it also uses the newest technology to reach their goal. In order to get in to the organization you have to be trained for four months, which includes training how to handle weapons, how to use the aircraft and the ships, if needed, how to communicate, and how