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Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (lsd)

Essay by   •  February 11, 2011  •  Essay  •  505 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,286 Views

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Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Hallucinogens were once used during religious practices, though in the 60s the hallucinogen LSD ( lysergic acid diethylamide) became commonly used among the "Hippies." These youths introduced LSD into the more artistic culture. Musicians, poets, and artist felt they performed better and broadened their talents by taking this drug. During the 90s LSD made its comeback of being the most commonly used drug because of the cheap cost ($1.00 - $5.00) and the wider interest of the 60s. The effects of Acid (LSD) were most commonly stimulation, relaxation, relief from pain, and relief of anxiety. Dr. Albert Hoftmann discovered LSD in 1938 while seeking a solution to headaches. He accidentally

consumed this substance and experienced a wide variety of hallucinations and vivid colors. Trying to prove this drug was the cause to his hallucinations he tested it again three days later. This time he took more of the previous dosage and experienced a "bad trip" consisting of disturbing visuals, a metal like taste, dry throat, trouble some breathing, cramps, and a form of being paralyzed. An onlooker would say that the individual (who has taken LSD) who appear quiet, unaware, and unwilling to engage in intimacies. An individual who is given Acid without knowledge would in turn experience horrific visions and form of reality. This would especially be known as a bad trip. Effects reported by users are a feeling of separation of ones body. He would feel as if he can see him self. He wouldn't know where one arm begins or ends. Few have reported to having smelt colors and tasted sounds. A main confusion with perception and realism. Mood swings and meaningless topics and phrases often come from the abuser.

This article is quite useful for those researching LSD. Especially for those who feel the need to experience the hallucination from this drug. Its not technically good to use but in my mind seems smarter to know the possible effects before he or she would try it. I don't recommend this for anyone to do. I do believe that if society is interested in preventing individuals from harming ones self through usage of the drug they should more educate the individual on the effects. I admit before reading this article, I was interested in trying Acid. Now



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