Marijuana Is Bad
Essay by bmsswag • February 18, 2016 • Essay • 534 Words (3 Pages) • 1,202 Views
For as long as human civilization has existed, the desire to alter one's state of mind has existed. Ancient cultures indulged in substances like wine, hallucinogenic mushrooms, tobacco, and cannabis to make them forget the stresses of everyday life in favor of intoxication. However, the supposed naturalness of this behavior does not indicate safeness nor wholesomeness as many (including myself) have been led to believe. In fact, I've come to understand that the seemingly innate desire for intoxication is one of the evils of human nature, alongside the seemingly innate desires for power, material possessions, and bloodshed. Although some are able to maintain the façade of the morally reprehensible position that different forms of intoxication can be more or less evil, I have come to know the truth: all forms of intoxication are equally detestable. However, for the purposes of this paper, I will focus on a dangerous street drug that is very hip with today's kids: marijuana.
Marijuana, also known as "reefer", "dank", "'dro", "loud", "pot" and "tree$" is the flowering part of one of two plants: Cannabis Sativa or Cannabis Indica. It is usually smoked but can also be eaten for more intense, longer-lasting effects. These effects include hallucinations, profuse sweating, paranoia, increased heat rate, and social/political dissidence. Luckily, Mexican drug lords looking to haul in the biggest profit possible will take advantage of our country's naïve children by cutting their shipments of marijuana with more benign substances like oregano or cocaine. Unfortunately, the majority of the substance remains marijuana: the silent killer. While official statistics show that zero people have ever died from using marijuana, it is impossible to know how many have been killed in car accidents, fits of rage, or suicide caused by marijuana.
All in all, it makes the user lazy, manic, violent, soft, and stupid. Not only does it ruin your health, but it also can have a drastic effect on your social life. The more you use it, the less you want to go do stuff with your friends and the less your friends want to go do stuff with you. Marijuana can ruin friendships and make you distant from your friends you once had. Not only does it destroy friendships but it also has a major effect on your family. Your family is worried about you, and they see that marijauana