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Marijuana and Its Effects on Teenagers

Essay by   •  January 18, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  783 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,541 Views

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Marijuana has been considered an illegal substance in the United States since the 1940's. It is currently recognized as a Schedule I, Class A drug, which means that being caught with the drug can mean imprisonment or heavy fines. The main reason it is so illegal is because smoking marijuana can cause long-term health and mental problems, as well as an addiction to this and possibly "harder substances" like cocaine and heroin.

One of the major effects of smoking marijuana is that the person looses their ability to function properly. Driving, for example, after smoking dope is really dangerous because marijuana can slow down your reflex times and affect your coordination. The Dawn Report (2004) noted that nearly 120,000 people were admitted to emergency rooms suffering from marijuana-induced problems in 2002, which was an increase of more than 139% since 1995 (Dawn Report, 2004). The University of California, Los Angeles School of Medical Studies completed a report that showed that marijuana smoke is four times more harmful to your lungs that an ordinary cigarette, and that a marijuana joint can contain up to 400 different chemicals (1997). This same study found that smoking marijuana can prevent a body from fighting off infections and diseases, so marijuana smokers get sick more often and stay sick for longer, than a person who does not smoke marijuana (1997).

The National Institute of Drug Abuse completed a study in 2002 that showed that long-term marijuana use can increase the chances of a person getting a mental illness such as schizophrenia. Their study also showed that one of the main problems with marijuana is that it can be laced with other drugs such as crack cocaine, PCP or even embalming fluids, but because the smell and effects of a marijuana smoke is so strong, users are unlikely to realize their smoke has been laced until they start to suffer immediate effects from the introduced drug (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2002).

Some people believe that marijuana is not harmful to your health because the public stereotype of a person under the influence of dope can appear to be very laid back and relaxed about life - the impression is that smoking dope is a "cruisy" way to be. In fact what really happens is that it is possible to become so addicted to this "cruisy" way of life that the only way to stop taking the drug is to enter a rehab center. More than 220,000 people in 1999 entered rehab programs to stop taking marijuana, in the United States (National Institute of Drug Abuse, 2002).

A medical doctor, Mueller (1997) found that smoking marijuana not only caused more damage to your lungs than ordinary cigarettes do, but that is can also leave the user with an increased risk of pneumonia and other bronchial type infections, which have the capacity to kill the person if the infection is severe enough.

There are some children who see their parents smoking



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