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Essay by   •  December 2, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,201 Words (5 Pages)  •  975 Views

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Marijuana is a mood altering and psychoactive drug that has many nicknames, such as pot, weed, ganja, and herb. In South America the drug is referred to as dogga, in Turkey it is kabak, in Morocco it is called kif, and in Brazil it is popularly known as djoma (Americana 287). It is an ancient drug that dates back for hundreds of years to China. In fact, it comes from Chinese herbal dating back from 2700 B.C.(Americana 286). Many cultures have used it during meditation, religious worship, and for intoxication. Marijuana itself comes from an Indian Hemp plant. It is the third most widely used drug in the United States, and it is the number one illegally used drug in the United States. Marijuana is so popular that an estimated one out of every three people in the US have tried it and around 44% of US high school students have smoked it. A marijuana user is not easily detectable, nor is the drug just used in one area of society. The drug is very harmful and can affect your brain, heart, and lungs (Americana 287).

The Indian Hemp plant is found all over the world, including the US. There are three different types of Indian Hemp. They are Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Rudderalis (Americana 286). These three plants vary in size and mood altering effect. The hemp plant has many uses and has been farmed for centuries. Marijuana can be taken in three ways, by eating, made into a tea, or smoking (the most popular). Smoking it can be done three ways, through a pipe, a joint, and a blunt. A joint is a rolled piece of paper that is twisted at the ends. A blunt is normally an emptied cigar wrapper filled with marijuana. In a blunt you can fit much more marijuana than in a joint. Though a blunt isn't always purely marijuana, it can be mixed with the tobacco itself, or other drugs such as angel dust. The results vary when someone smokes marijuana. Different people will get different results, and certain types of cannabis can cause different effects. The amount of tetrahydrocannabinal, or THC (marijuana's main active chemical) may also change the result( The Effects 1). If alcohol or other drug use is occurring while smoking marijuana, the effect could be different. A first time marijuana smoker will probably feel no effect. A chronic or heavy user will feel a very high intoxication. When a person is high, normal sights, sounds, tastes, or events can seem very funny or interesting. When intoxicated, time seems to pass a lot slower. To the user, minutes will seem like hours. The intoxicated person may get very thirsty or hungry, a common effect called, "the munchies." A few minutes after the person inhales they will probably develop dry mouth, a rapid heartbeat, decreased reaction time, and possible loss of coordination. The blood vessels in the user's eyes will probably enlarge. This gives the person a blood shot appearance. Within two to three hours the effects will die down and the person will feel sleepy. It is clear what marijuana is, but is it harmful and how?

Many people wonder how marijuana is harmful. There are many ways that marijuana can harm the body, both the immediate effect and long term effects. It often disables the users' short-term memory and may cause trouble with challenging tasks. Even very simple tasks can become a struggle for someone who is high. A student that is under the influence of marijuana may find it hard to learn or concentrate. A person's timing and coordination are normally delayed by marijuana. As a result the person will be very confused and useless. The effect marijuana can have on the brain and central nervous system is very serious. Smoking marijuana will reduce the strength and speed of communications between the mind and body. This occurs in the brain and muscles, causing the user to not be as focused. Short-term marijuana use leads to drowsiness and a relaxing effect. This is why marijuana users have trouble remembering things. A heavy dose of marijuana can decrease the amount of blood pumped into the brain. Marijuana affects the brain's control over muscles also. Heavy usage



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