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Marketing Plan - Head Start

Essay by   •  April 2, 2011  •  Business Plan  •  4,268 Words (18 Pages)  •  2,041 Views

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Marketing Plan Head Start

1.0 Executive Summary

Head Start is a Not-for-Profit organization authorized by congress in 1965. This national organization is "a comprehensive early childhood development program for low income families." (HSEOC brochure) Head Start of Eastern Orange County established themselves in Newburgh in 1967 and has been servicing the community since. HSEOC caters to children that come from poor families of the community. The program takes on the responsibility of preparing these children for life more so than any other preschool program in the area.

HSEOC has facilities and funding for 227 students. These 227 are selected from many applicants on a need basis. The students who attend the program must come from families that qualify for this program based on the federal income eligibility guidelines. HSEOC runs two different programs consisting of 3 to 4 your olds. One program is 3.5 hours per day four days a week and the second is 6.5 hours per day five days per week. The second program is strictly for parents who work full time or are currently enrolled in school.

In speaking with Joyce Carey it was easily determined that this organization is facing many difficulties. The first challenge of HSEOC is their facility. HSEOC is currently leasing space that could possibly not be renewed within the next few years. Another difficulty is high demand for participation without ample facilities. HSEOC turns down possible participants due to the lack of facilities and resources. HSEOC would like to serve all of the children in the community, however without the proper facilities, HSEOC cannot take on more children then they currently have.

2.0 Situation Analysis

HSEOC vows to go above and beyond the call of preschool by encouraging family development and family participation. This quality about the Joyce Carey center is unique and encourages an opportunity for these children to succeed in life. By trying to make a stronger family life, these children will have a greater shot at success than if they didn't have this program. Another goal of HSEOC is to have an ethnically diverse staff to match with that of the students. Joyce Carey is an advocate for minority children to have minority teacher figures. HSEOC stresses the fact that minority children in elementary schools and other preschools only see Caucasian female teachers and feel that minority children cannot relate. By having minority role models in their classrooms, HSEOC feels that they are further enhancing their student's shot at success.

Newburgh is a city plagued with crime, poverty, drugs and lack of education. These types of things in the long run will cost the government money. Legal aid, police force and welfare systems are all a cost to the government as a result of crime, poverty and lack of education. If the government, both local and national, would invest in the future of the youth, their investment would pay off. A program like HSEOC offers services to the poor minorities of Newburgh in hopes of lining them up for success so that they will not fall into the gaps of society. HSEOC not only brightens the future of the students, its brightens the future of their parents, giving them an opportunity to work full time, or attend school full time without the cost of preschool for their children. Without programs like HSEOC the poverty and crime in Newburgh has no motivation or outlet for change.

HSEOC offers their services to 227 students and has a waiting list of numerous students who qualify for this program. The program has been a growing success ever since its opening, however have reached a plateau because of the size of their facility.

2.1 Market Summary

HSEOC is located in an inner city where there is much need for a program like this. Newburgh has a high volume of people in a small geographic area that are in need for quality programs like this one. At this point the interest of this program by the community is very high, the one thing that this program needs is sponsorship.

The not-for-profit sector has experienced less funding from government over the past years. It is now a situation where there are more NFP organizations chasing fewer dollars available to them. NFP now have to market their organizations to the public for donations and volunteer manpower.

2.1.1 Target Market

HSEOC has been offering their services to children whose parents are disabled since their establishment. HSEOC wants to satisfy this need in the community. For children whose parents are disabled, there is also a bussing service available to them. This is an opportunity to provide these children with preparation for school and life's challenges.

The second market segment is children of poverty. The need for this program is determined by the federal income eligibility guidelines. The need of the parents is fulfilled because they would not have otherwise been able to afford preschool services for their children. This gives their parents an opportunity to work full time during the day or even possibly attend school, be it high school or college. The parents and children equally benefit from this program because they also encourage parent involvement in the programs. This will further enhance the child's bond with their parent and give the parent an opportunity to be a good role model for the children.

2.1.2 Demographics

This program features children between the ages of 3 and 4 years old. The program is saturated with minority children and minority teachers. The ethnic break down is 60% Latin American, 39% African American and 1% Caucasian. This ethnic breakdown may seem limiting for the students. For these students to primarily be surrounded by other members of their race or ethnicity may be limiting. One major issue these students may have to over come is when they enter into a regular elementary school and are shocked to see a different level of ethnic diversity. Some Latin American children may be faced with the fact that they are one of two or three Latin American Students, or that there is an even breakdown of ethnicities are not used to that environment.

2.1.3 Market Trends

Over the past years, not for profit organizations have been fighting an uphill battle. There has been a trend of cutting governmental funding for organizations such as Head Start. There has also been an increase in the various not for profit organizations. This is resulting in more organizations chasing after fewer and fewer dollars available.



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