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Marketing Principles

Essay by   •  November 7, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,953 Words (8 Pages)  •  2,077 Views

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Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services, and ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organisation objectives. Marketing has many ways that products are sold. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. Marketers try to get the attention of target audiences by using slogans, packaging design, celebrity endorsements and general exposure in the media world. The process of developing, promoting, and distributing products to satisfy customers' needs and wants.

Marketing include 4 Ps for marketing mix that is product, place, price and promotion. Product is the good, which is the company want to manufacture. Place is the place where the company sell the product. Price is the value of goods in the society and promotion show products to customers, e.g. advertising, newspaper etc.

Marketing is a social and managerial process and individual obtained what

they need and want though exchange.

When somebody wants to develop a business, they should know what is the customer need and what is the customer want. Then the company will base on demand to produce goods, which make profit for the business. And make the marketing focus on the satisfaction and goods quality of customer needs, wants and requirements. That is good for exchange between customers and companies to make the relationship well. For whole marketing, it uses products of company to make value for business in the public way.

( b ) Example:sonyToyota(finance)foodtown(customers service)

Customer value is an organization's rating of the value it provides to its customers relative to that provided by its competitors. It is the critical part of relationship marketing, achieve the customer satisfaction is the prime goal of the marketers and organization's long-term goal is achieving through satisfying customer needs, then make profit for companies. It needs to be seen from the customer's viewpoint to in terms of the value s/he see in interacting with the organization. Interaction by the definition should be a two way process. However, the choice to interact with an organization rests solely with the customer. Organization must be customer centric. E.g. Food town card is a standard discount care for Food town's customer.

( c ) 1. financial benefit(eg:foottown cardstar alliance

2. social benefit----share pation(eg.

3.structural ties

A customer-loyalty-and-retention program is marketing tools to develop stronger relationships with customers. There are three ways: financial benefit, social benefit and structural ties. Financial benefit is higher offer long-term customer with bonus. E.g. Singapore airline has a special service is star alliances, when consumers catch Singapore airplane to somewhere, consumers will get the points depends on the distance. If passengers get enough point, they will have bonus trip ticket. Social benefit is share passion and show pride for customer. E.g. somebody buy the limited sell products for the famous brands on the world that will increase her/his condition. Structural ties are special equipment and linkage help to manage order. E.g. a company do the market research to customer for customer feedback. The company will know the business deficiency and what is consumer want or need. Customer satisfaction relates to judgements about transaction, but their long term attitude towards a service relates to the quality of the service.

Question 2: The marketing environment

Q2(a)marketing environment:

(b)publics:any groups which are interested and have impact on company to achichieve it's goal.

( a )

Marketing environment is a place the organization setting in, any of changes of in the environment can have impact on the organization's performance, profit, etc. The marketing environment surrounds and impacts upon the organization. There are two key perspectives on the marketing environment, namely the 'macro-environment' and the 'micro-environment'. Managing the marketing function would be hard enough if the marketer had to deal only with the controllable marketing mix variables. But the company operates in a complex marketing environment, consisting of uncontrollable forces to which the company must adapt. The environment so that it can avoid the threats and take advantage of the opportunities.

The micro- environment influences the organization directly. It includes suppliers that deal directly or indirectly, consumers and customers, and other local stakeholders. In this context, micro describes the relationship between firms and the driving forces that control this relationship. It is a more local relationship, and the firm may exercise a degree of influence.

Micro-environmental forces are those that are very close to the organisation, and can directly impact on its ability to serve its target markets. This includes internal organisational forces e.g. resources, facilities and expertise and external forces e.g. customers, suppliers, marketing intermediaries and competitors forming part of the organisation's marketing system or closely impacting upon it.

Macro-environment includes all factors that can influence and organization, but that are out of their direct control. A company does not generally influence any laws. It is continuously changing, and the company needs to be flexible to adapt. There may be aggressive competition and rivalry in a market.

Globalisation means that there is always the threat of substitute products and new entrants. The wider environment is also ever changing, and the marketer needs to compensate for changes in culture, politics, economics and technology.

Macro-environmental forces are broader societal forces that are external to the organisation and somewhat away from it, such as demographic, economic, and technological forces.

All there factors can affect the marketing environment.

( b )

Financial publics influence the company's ability to obtain funds. The major financial publics are banks, investment houses and stockholder. Media publics include newspaper, magazines and, and radio and television stations that carry news, features, and editorial opinion. Government publics, management must take government



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