Matrix and Indian Philosophy
Essay by review • November 19, 2010 • Essay • 1,224 Words (5 Pages) • 1,688 Views
More on Ð'ÐŽÐ'ÒThe MatrixÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦
There are two kinds of people in this world: One who have seen the movie Ð'ÐŽÐ'ÒThe MatrixÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦ and its sequels and the other kind who havenÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦t. Although the movie derives heavily from Vedantic and Buddhist philosophies, never before the concept of Ð'ÐŽÐ'ÒVirtual WorldÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦ or Ð'ÐŽÐ'ÒMithya JagatÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦ so beautifully picturised. Everyone now believes that the Matrix does exist and Indians have been knowing this since ancient times in the form of Ð'ÐŽÐ'ÒMayaÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦. Whether it is controlled by machines or God or Ourselves is, and possibly always will be, unknown.
Here are some fillers to the Matrix theory seen in parallel with Indian theology:
1. Is a person trapped in the Matrix only for a single lifetime? What happens after it?
Ans. Yes there is life after death. All those stories you heard of rebirth are correct. OK not all! The human brain wants change. It cannot live in a particular setup for long. As stress increases* in the modern life, the need for change increases and thatÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦s why the average lifespan of human race decreases with time.
*Ð'„Ð'Ñ- Because of increased complexity. The cumulative choices made by humans become complex day by day and thus demand higher processing ability. This thing is multiplicative. This can be a potential bug for the system as after a certain time the complexity will get out of control & the matrix would not be able to meet the processing requirements Ð'ÐŽV TIME FOR A SHUTDOWN or Pralay. The system can provide silent instant death to everybody at a single moment, but this will not help. Extra dramatic conditions of Pralay are necessary to intimidate living beings so much that they renounce all their future plans & desires, helping the system to shutdown properly.
So a single person is given new lives & after every death his new life begins. Optimum conditions have to be arranged & searched for every new life. This process goes on even as we are alive & our next life is formed adaptively. Because of this we can try to prophesy our next life to certain accuracy. But creating all the parameters for the new life still needs some finishing touches which can only be applied after death. This produces a time delay between the two lives.
2. What happens in that time delay?
Ans. There are many possibilities. To exactly tell about this is difficult.
1. A temporary state can be assigned in which some parameters of last life are used. Some are already deleted (your physical body for instance). So now you are in a subtler body (Sukshma Shareer). This state is also a part of the matrix Ð'ÐŽV The reason for all those ghost stories. Although lack of full parameters decreases peak strength, but it also reveals some loopholes. All the limitations & damping factors of deleted parameters (physical body etc.) do not apply anymore [Ghosts can fly!]. This can produce some problems. Some ghosts may become powerful & may turn into a virus (Agent Smith). So now they can penetrate other programs & reside in them like a parasite.
[Not all parasites are harmful Ð'ÐŽV infact they can be engaged in welfare (we know mediums of Sai Baba & the like)]. In Sukshma Shareer you retain your last lifeÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦s identity & memories.
2. May be the process of deleting the old parameters is carried out step by step. ThatÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦s why you go from Ð'ÐŽÐ'ÒSthula ShareerÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦ to Ð'ÐŽÐ'ÒSukshma ShareerÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦ and lastly to Ð'ÐŽÐ'ÒKaran ShareerÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦ (consisting of the most basic parameters or variables necessary for virtual life). Sort of recycling. So now this Karan Shareer can be used as a base for new life.
3. What will I be in my next life?
Ans. It can be anything. Sometimes or most often itÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦s a better option to quickly provide simpler programs of living beings other than humans. This may also clear troubling residues. The main aim is to achieve stability of the virtual world.
4. If everything related to past life is deleted, how come some people remember it?
Ans. Obviously the system is not perfect (it has to remain so for certain tradeoffs). Sometimes even a minute parameter can remain undeleted & if provoked may provide access to complete memory of past life. Normal people remember their past life in this fashion. Chances of parameters surviving from more than one past life are rare. ThatÐ'ÐŽÐ'¦s