Essay by review • December 5, 2010 • Essay • 399 Words (2 Pages) • 948 Views
"It was about the liberal biases that overwhelm straight news reporting", is what Bernard Goldberg had to say in response to his problem with CBS evening news. Is it wrong for a reporter to jazz some boring news topic up and maybe make it seem a little more interesting a problem? It can be if the reporter is tending to his bias thoughts and disregarding the objectiveness, fairness, and balance that he or she vowed to do. But is t his really a problem in the media? From a conservative standpoint, TV news tends to be more liberal because it features stories such as civil rights abuses, gay rights, and antiwar demonstrations which are all liberal cases. But on the other hand, some can say that its conservative due to pro-business and sometimes doesn't give equal time to non-mainstream views. When you look at the ownership of many corporate businesses, they tend to have a more conservative view as compared to the people who mend together the stories who are more likely to be more liberal and open to ideas. So where does one draw a line for too much liberalism or too much conservatism? According to Al Franken, "Asking whether there is a liberal or conservative bias to mainstream media is a little like asking whether Al Qaeda uses too much oil in their hummus". From my standpoint as a somewhat liberal-conservative, I can safely say that yes there are liberal views in the media and there are also conservative news reporters in the media. So what is the big deal? That is what makes this world go round, different view points and different outputs for those opinions. So for me to say that the media is too liberal or too conservative would go against what I feel is fair for the American public. I feel there is equal opportunity for either side of the spectrum to take in what they prefer, be it a liberal or conservative viewpoint. And if someone wants a straight forward report, without any chance of bias, then flip to CSPAN and enjoy the news. So for my final thought, I am glad there are some liberal and some conservative media outlets even if the news should be non-bias, otherwise TV or the radio, in my opinion, would be boring.