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Medieval Disputation

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Medieval Disputation

I. Does religion provide images of what philosophy actually discloses?

Objection 1. Because God is the highest power, he is the giver of all knowledge. Al Ð'- Ghazali believes that He is the one who can enlighten souls and only God can bring meaning into life and allow humans supreme happiness, just having God and religion in your life is the key to obtaining this happiness. "It is God who takes care and charge of His servant's hearts by enlightening it with the lights of knowledge. And when God takes charge of the heart's affairs His mercy floods it and His light shines in it" (Al-Ghazali, paragraph 49).

Objection 2. Further, because God provided the Ten Commandments, they are the rules that a human must live by. These rules are in place because they are directions from God, and punishment is going to hell. God has the ultimate power to decide if you will go to heaven or hell, and living by the Ten Commandments can ensure a safe passage to Heaven. If the human race did not have punishment for sins, especially mortal sins, no person would have guidance or meaning to their life if they are not aspiring to Heaven.

Objection 3. Further, it is necessary to have knowledge that comes from God, and thus from divine truth. Thomas Aquinas believes that words and lessons that come from God will more likely secure the happiness of humans. Philosophical science is built on human reason, so there has to be more knowledge that can only come from God. Divine revelation can provide these truths, because human reason cannot discover them. God determines where people go after death, and to be saved; they need to understand his divine truth. "Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation" (Summa Theologica).

"On the contraryÐ'..." It is written by Al-Farabi in The Attainment of Happiness that "If they are known by imagining them through similitudes that imitate them, and assent to what is imagined of them is caused by persuasive methods, then the ancients call what compromises these cognitions religionÐ'...Therefore, according to the ancients, religion is an imitation of philosophy" (lines 9-14). Religion is an imitation of philosophy and one does not need religion to obtain the ultimate happiness. Wise philosophers use religious myths as an aid to teach the philosophical truths of life.

"I answer thatÐ'..." Religion provides stories, myths, and analogies to appeal to those who do not grasp the direct philosophical truths. Philosophy will provide the intellect gained through knowledge of truths and concepts that religion cannot provide for. Religion provides only images of knowledge that provides inspiration such as the Holy Spirit. These images will inspire a human, but will not bring complete happiness. The sacred science, religion, is not needed to obtain happiness because Philosophy is the authoritative science, and provides all the truths to life. Philosophy is the basis for all other sciences; therefore all others depend on its accuracy. Philosophy provides the concepts of virtues for how a human should live a fulfilling life. Religion, subordinate to philosophy, provides actual rules for people to follow so that they do not have to figure out the virtues of their heart alone. Life's goal, ultimate happiness, cannot be achieved without understanding virtue and living life through these concepts. Religion's rules and commandments are images to provide a rigid way to live life without the understanding of why a human is living that way. Without this understanding, one cannot achieve ultimate happiness. Philosophy can provide supreme happiness to a human through knowledge, intellect, and self-fulfillment. The science of religion cannot provide enough truth to supply understanding and happiness in life; it can only provide compelling stories and images. These two sciences, religion and philosophy, are not two different paths to the same goal. Ultimate happiness can be aided by religion's myths and images, but it cannot



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