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Medieval Monuments in Kosovo

Essay by   •  February 20, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  1,080 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,098 Views

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Medieval Monuments in Kosovo

SCI 230

Introduction to Life Science

There are numerous Monuments all around the world. The monuments in Kosovo have been around since Medieval times and are in need of repair since being damaged from the ongoing war. We need to get the Serbian clergy to co-operate with the Kosovo government to get them to make all of the needed repair. With the help of investors and donations from the public we can make this happen.

Right now there are four monuments listed by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). These sites were placed on the list because of there cultural importance to the world. These sites as like many others show a point in history where a significant change has taken place in human culture and in need to be protected for future generations and the historical community.

Right now the four properties in Kosovo are Deиani Monastery Kosovo, Serbia, Patriarchate of Peж Monastery Peж, Kosovo, Serbia, Church of the Virgin of Leviљa Priљtina, Kosovo, Serbia and Graиanica Monastery Prizren, Kosovo, Serbia. Here we will take some time to look at each of these and find out why they are so important.

First we will look at the Deиani Monastery which was established in the fourteenth century by Serbian king Stephen Uros III Deиanski (of Deиani). "As a part of the historical and cultural heritage of Serbia, the High Deиani Monastery with its artistic and aesthetic values exceeds national significance. The monastery holds a valuable and rich treasury with icons dating from the XIV to the XVII centuries, old manuscripts and movables dedicated to the religious service" (Trajkoviж, Fulgosi, & Gariж, 2007). One of the reasons that this is important is because of the Fresco Paintings tat cover the walls of the Monastery.

The outstanding fresco paintings, iconostasis and the throne

icons, together with the entire movables, are actually the

original ones. The preserved fresco paintings enumerate

over 1,000 individuals and scenes, assorted in more than 20

cycles, so that, together with the iconostasis, they

constitute the single most preserved source of information

about the Byzantine school of fresco painting and

iconography (Trajkoviж, Fulgosi, & Gariж, 2007)

The paintings alone make this a site that needs to be protected and saved for everyone. The remains of the Holy King Stefan Deиanski are kept at the monastery. The upkeep and preservation of his remains are also of great impotents to the Serbian Orthodox Church and also the Serbian people in general. The monastery is in danger of destruction due to poor up keep and civil unrest. There has been looting and regular general wear and tear from the weather. We should keep this Monument in the best shape as possible so that everyone can enjoy and learn about it.

Secondly, we will talk about the Patriarchate of Pec Monastery which was the center of the Serbian church for many years. The Patriarchate is the site of four churches: the Church of the Apostles, Church of St. Demetrius, Church of the Virgin and the Church of St. Nicholas. "From its origin in the 13th century the Patriarchate attracted learned divines, reputed writers and gifted artists, and all of them have left traces of their work in it. It is therefore not only the centre of the Serbian Church, but also an important repository of its cultural heritage." (Stefanovic, 2001). This patriarchate had and still does have the richest Treasuries in Medieval Serbia it has preserved a considerable number of manuscript books, icons, objects made of gold and embroidery which is now housed in the Church of St. Demetrius. With all of the articles of history and the one of a kind paintings and buildings this place needs to be restored and properly maintained to keep the beauty going for all.

Next we will talk about the Gracanica



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