Microbiology Unknown
Essay by review • January 2, 2011 • Essay • 1,011 Words (5 Pages) • 4,200 Views
Ron Williams
Bio 205
Prof. Curlee
Fall 2005
There are many reasons for knowing the identity of microorganisms. The reasons range from the knowing the causative agent of a disease in a patient, so as to know how it can be treated, to knowing the correct microorganism to be used for making certain foods or antibiotics. This study was done by applying all of the methods that have been learned so far in the microbiology laboratory class for the identification of an unknown bacterium.
By slowly narrowing down the bacteria by each test, I will be able to conclude the unknown bacteria by its special characteristics.
An unknown labeled as #54 was given out by the lab instructor. The methods that have been learned thus far for identifying bacteria have been applied to this unknown. Procedures were followed as stated in the course laboratory manual, unless otherwise noted. The first procedure that needed to be done was to streak the unknown out on a Trypticase Soy Agar plate, using the T streak method. This needed to be done in order to test the purity of the unknown. After the plates were incubated and grown, the morphology was observed and recorded and a Gram stain was performed. After determining the Gram reaction, specific biochemical tests were performed. The biochemical tests were chosen from the unknown identification tables that were in the lab manual. Since the unknown #54 was determined to be a Gram positive rod, a thyoglycollate test was performed to determine aerobic activity. Table 1 lists the test, purpose, reagents and results. All of the following tests were performed on this unknown:
1 Colony Appearance
2 Motility
3 Gram Stain
4 Thyoglycollate - aerobic vs. anaerobic
5 Innoculate T soy slant
6 Optimum growth temperature 37o vs. 42o
7 Nitrate test
8 Methyl Red
9 Carbohydrate fermentation
10 Catalase Test
11 Oxidase test
12 Starch hydrolysis
13 Indole test
14 Urease test
15 Citrate Utilization test
Unknown 54 had the following morphology on a TSA plate:large sized opaque cream colored colony. After determining that it was a Gram positive rod, a test was performed using Thyoglycollate where the unknown #54 was inoculated. Table I lists all of the biochemical tests, their purpose and results. The results are also shown in a flow chart form.
Table 1: Biochemical Test Results
Gram stain To determine the Gram reaction of the bacterium Crystal violet, Iodine, Alcohol, Safranin Pink rods Gram positive rods
Thyoglycollate To determine the aerobic vs. anaerobic
Acid Production To determine the ability of a bacterium to ferment a specific carbohydrate
lactose mannitol None red Negative lactose & mannitol fermenter
sucrose & glucose yellow Positive sucrose & glucose fermenter
Carbohydrate fermentation
Gas Production lactose mannitol glucose Bubbles Glucose, lactose and mannitol positive
Carbohydrate fermentation
Gas Production lactose mannitol sucrose glucose no bubble Sucrose negative
Indole Test To determine the ability of an organism to split indole from tryptophane Kovac's added to broth Red Ring at top of broth Negative indole test
Oxidase test
To determine the presence of oxidase which can oxidize reduced cytochrome
Oxidase solution Pink to maroon from purple Negative oxidase test
Urease Test
This test is used to differentiate organisms based on their ability to hydrozye urea with the enzyme urease. This test is particularly useful in distinguishing the genus Proteus from other enteric bacteria.
urea Change to pink from yellow Negative for urease will not produce NH3
Nitrate test This test detects the ability of an organism to reduce nitrate (NO3) to nitrite (NO2) or some other nitogenous compound, such as molecular