Monetary Policy and Inflation
Essay by review • March 5, 2011 • Research Paper • 8,943 Words (36 Pages) • 1,652 Views
Inflation Targets, Credibility, and Persistence
In a Simple Sticky-Price Framework
Jeremy Rudd
Federal Reserve Board
Karl Whelan
Central Bank of Ireland
July 23, 2003
This paper presents a re-formulated version of a canonical sticky-price model that has
been extended to account for variations over time in the central bank's inflation tar-
get. We derive a closed-form solution for the model, and analyze its properties under
various parameter values. The model is used to explore topics relating to the eects of
disinflationary monetary policies and inflation persistence. In particular, we employ the
model to illustrate and assess the critique that standard sticky-price models generate
counterfactual predictions for the eects of monetary policy.
Corresponding author. Mailing address: Mail Stop 80, 20th and C Streets NW, Washington, DC 20551.
E-mail: We thank Gregory Mankiw and Olivier Blanchard for useful dis-
cussions on several of the topics considered here. The views expressed in this paper are our own, and do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Governors, the sta of the Federal Reserve System, or the
Central Bank of Ireland.
1 Introduction
An important trend in macroeconomic research in recent years involves the increased use
of optimization-based sticky-price models to analyze how monetary policy aects the econ-
omy and how optimal policy should be designed. Much of this analysis employs a simple
baseline model that features a new-Keynesian" Phillips curve to characterize inflation, an
expectational IS curve" to determine output growth, and a policy rule that describes how
the central bank sets short-term interest rates; representative examples of studies that use
this framework include Clarida, Gal, and Gertler (1999), McCallum (2001), and Wood-
ford (2003).
One limitation of existing work in this area is that applications of the baseline model
have typically been restricted to contexts in which the central bank maintains a xed infla-
tion target, with particular attention being paid to the eects of the type of monetary policy
shock" that is usually analyzed in the empirical VAR literature (namely, a temporary de-
viation from a stable policy rule). In this paper, we present a re-formulated version of the
baseline sticky-price model that has been extended to account for variations over time in
the central bank's inflation target. We derive a fully specied closed-form solution for the
model in which output and inflation are related both to policy shocks (as usually dened)
and to expected future changes in the inflation target. The model provides a simple but
flexible framework for understanding a number of issues that have previously been dealt
with using a range of dierent specications. In particular, the model sheds light on some
important existing critiques regarding the general ability of sticky-price models to capture
the eects of disinflationary monetary policies.
One such critique that we consider stems from Laurence Ball's (1994) well-known ex-
ample of a sticky-price economy in which an announcement of a gradual reduction in the
rate of growth of the money supply results in a boom in output. This has commonly
been seen as an important counterfactual prediction of these models in light of the large
observed costs of disinflation; moreover, Ball's result appears at odds with the position of
Woodford (2003) and others that these models adequately capture the eect of a monetary
tightening on output. We use our framework to demonstrate how these apparently con-
tradictory results can be reconciled by noting that they reflect the eects of two dierent
types of shocks in our model. Specically, in the more general framework that we derive
here, Ball's example of a gradual disinflation that is achieved through a deceleration in the
money supply is equivalent to an example where the central bank's target inflation rate is
gradually reduced. In our framework, a credible announcement of future reductions in the
inflation target will indeed result in increased output today (at least for most parameter
values). However, we also demonstrate that another aspect of Ball's result|specically,
that inflation can be reduced without output's ever declining below its baseline level|
relies on a highly restrictive assumption about pricing behavior (namely, that rms do not
discount their future prots).
We then use an extended version of our basic framework in order to assess the idea|
rst proposed by Ball (1995)|that allowing for imperfect