Essay by review • February 8, 2011 • Essay • 410 Words (2 Pages) • 1,143 Views
Diana Puleo
Assignment 1
My Class
Busy Children, structured learning, and fun are three of the main things that come to thought when I think of the class where I work. This is the place where every parent gets to send their child to get an education. This is the place where a child gets to open up their mind and learn new things. Our class is an educational and fun place to be. It is the place where open minded children get to learn as they wish.
A person who has never had a glance at our classroom will see many educational materials. The materials are beautifully handcrafted and are displayed on low, open shelves. These unique materials are tools to stimulate the child into logical thought and discovery. Each piece of material has a specific purpose and is presented in a manner that will enable them to direct their own learning. Each piece presents one concept or idea at a time and has what is known as a "control of error".
The classroom structure is ordered and well planned. The curriculum and teaching materials are carefully selected and presented to each child. When children choose material they are then free to work with it for as long as it provides a challenge. This provides a structure for their learning. There should be physical, intellectual and social freedom. Everything is child-sized and all the activities are within reach to allow free choice.
The classroom is not only a place for learning. It is a vibrant, fun community of children, where the child learns to interact socially in a variety of ways. The three-year age range in every class, enables older children to teach the younger children, learning much themselves from this experience, while the younger children are inspired to more complex work by observing the older ones. With such a variety of levels in the classroom, each child can work at his or her own pace, unhindered by competition and encouraged by co-operation.
Surroundings have a great deal to do with the creation of an atmosphere of learning. Our classrooms are our student's home away from home and we strive to make them as attractive and comfortable as possible. They are warm, bright, inviting, colorful rooms, filled with plants, animals, art, music and books. Our Montessori classrooms tend to fascinate both children and their parents. Watching this educational