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My Personality Reflection Worksheet

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Personality Reflection Worksheet

Brenda Craine


October 5, 2015

Debra Julian

Personality Reflection Worksheet

How would you define personality?

Personality itself stems from the Latin work persona, which referred to a theatrical mask work by performers to either different project roles or disguises their identities (Cherry, 2015).   Personality is the individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.  It is truly a combination of behavior, emotions, motivation, and thought patterns that define an individual.  The modern personality psychology is heavily influenced by the early philosophical roofs and attempts to identify which components such as free will, heredity, or university are most influential in shaping the human personality.  I do believe that personality is a combination of traits and patterns that influence the behavior.

What are some key personality features that define you?

There are numerous traits and features of personality that can be used to define me.   Some I don't care to mention, and there are some that I am very happy to make known.  There are so many people who tell me that I am loving, compassionate, caring, friendly, dependable, trustworthy.  In the area of being caring and compassionate I don't reach out to other to do for them for personal gain, I do it because it is what I love.  A trait that I have been always to make sure that everyone is ok with me no matter who it may be.  Another personality trait is self-disciplined, emotionally stable, warm, willing to go that extra mile.  There are some personalities that I have that I choose not to continue to do and are working to change.

What key concepts or “constructs” are used to explain your personality?

Some of the key concepts that I would use to explain my personality would be a hard worker.  I am an achiever, not a quitter one that will go above and beyond the call of duty in whatever I put my hands to do.  I being taught as a child high moral standards, respectful, never to be disrespectful of elderly people.  One of my constructs is always a woman of my word because my word is my bond.  I was taught to learn everything that I could because I wouldn't be just handed anything in life I would have to work for what I want.  I was taught that the world doesn’t owe me anything.

Are your personality features consistent or do they change according to the situation?

My personality is not consistent, and what I find most about my personality is that it change with whatever situation I'm dealing with if it is very stressful.  I don't like this about myself, and I try very hard to work on myself when I realize this is happening.  With the illness that I have, I have found that when I'm the overtired or severe pain, my personality is not like nice as I would like, because of the pain.  At that time, I'm very quiet and don't like to be around people.  When facing conflict, sometime I go into a shutdown mode to avoid confrontation.  My personality tremendously changes after I went through a really bad accident and almost lost my life.  Over time, my personality has changed, but I still have a very strong determination to fulfill my dream of getting a degree.  I am at the finish line, and my personality is to continue to make a different in the world where ever I am.



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