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Nathaniel Hawthorne

Essay by   •  January 5, 2014  •  Book/Movie Report  •  1,245 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,327 Views

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Nathaniel Hawthorne was born and raised in of a Puritan family with a strict religious discipline and beliefs. Previous generations's actions affected the way Hawthorne wrote about Puritanism and in general all his work as a writer was very influenced by his ancestors. The Hawthornes were involved in the religious persecution of England which forced them to come to the New World (Massachusetts) where they became more radical against any other religion and their thoughts strengthen. John Hathorne was one of Nathaniel relative, who participated in the witchcraft trials of Salem where his judges resulted in the death of dozens of innocent women. The Hawthornes exigent way of judging women and other religions became the reason why Nathaniel started writing to relieve all the guilt he felt for his predecessors. His life as a Puritan also impacted his way of thinking and he commenced to look at puritans as sinful, hypocrites and liars.

Dr. Heidegger's Experiment is one of Nathaniel's works that describes the failure of human beings to change who they are through magic or supernaturalism. It shows how a scientist makes an experiment to prove the effect of water from the youth fountain by providing it to his friends. The doctor discovers that although the water makes old people younger it does not prevent people from making the same mistakes they did when they were youth. The theme is the failure for trying to change the past or mistakes when it is not going to erase all what has be done already. Another lesson learned is the fact that old people are wiser for experience and time they have spent mistaking and learning about life, while young people just want to enjoy and have fun. Another important work of Nathaniel is The Minister's Black Veil that tells a story about people trying to change who they are and hiding their identities. A minister wears a black veil and is never really clear if he does it because he is sinful or to encourage his listeners to face their guilt. The theme of this story is that no matter the how hard people try to hide their sins from society, God always see who they really are and all their mistakes. It also shows how even if we hide our failures under a "black veil" or a fake personality, there will be a moment when they would come out to the surface.

In Dr. Heidegger's Experiment many literary techniques are present and one of the most significant is the symbolism. For example Dr. Heidegger exemplifies a wiser human being among "young people", who are still committing the same mistakes from the past, while he has now become smarter because of his age and experience. The rose symbolizes death and loss like for example the death of his wife and the loss of the wisdom his friends suffered after drinking the water. The water represents the addiction of young people for things that can affect negatively their life but even knowing they get so excited that they rather keep drinking and making mistakes than think about the consequences. The conflict is Youth vs. Elderly as we see how the experienced and aged man is proved to be smarter than those who drank the potion. Another conflict is Nature vs. Science, when we read that although the doctor tries to challenge Nature with his scientific theory he cannot change the Natural (becoming old) and the fate. There is also symbolism in The Minister's Black Veil since the black veil represents the hidden sins and the personality people want to show the society by giving a fake perception and face of who they truly are. Irony is present throughout the story because the people are looking at the minister as a dreadful sinner when in reality they are the ones committing sins. They rather judge the minister than accept the truth that they are all sinners and losers. Another irony is present when the deputies went to see Mr. Hooper and they said the situation was too tough for them to solve it, when in reality they did not even try to talk to the minister because they were scared and could not mention a word. The conflict is Man vs. Society because Mr. Hooper had to suffer the rumors, gossips and hypocrisy of his Puritan listeners. As he wore the black veil it converted him in a dreadful and scary unknown for the community and so he witnessed rejections from the community.



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