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/Lauren Hadley S.


Communications for Health

My Self-Awareness

In my lifetime I have experienced many different events that have made me who I am today. Growing up in two different countries with two different ways of living has been a challenge and a great experience for me. Mexico and the United States are not anything alike, yet it has been a blessing to have two totally different families and cultures to lean on.

Growing up my three brothers and I were told to Ð'Ёstudy hardÐ'Ё and Ð'ЁVete a la Universidad y se alguien para que tus padres esten orgullosos de tiÐ'Ё (Ð'ЁGot to college, and become someone so your parents will be proud of you.Ð'Ё). Well, although the fate of my younger brother is still Ð'Ёundecided about collegeÐ'Ё says he, my two older brothers are another story. My oldest dropped out of high school and got a GED. The second one went to community college for only a semester, making me the first child to go to a full time University in my family. Not only a full time college student, I had to take a step further and go to college in Spain. Spain is a totally new way of living, since I have never been across an Ocean. It has been one of my greatest achievements to date, and I consider myself very fortunate to be able to have this experience as a part of my life.

My parents have put in a lot of effort to accomidate my needs for my education. But to accomidate myself, and to make me a happy person, I need to be pampered Ð'Ёconsentida.Ð'Ё Being away from all my family and friends I realized that I love to be loved. This might sound like I am a spoiled, self-centered girl, but this is not the case. Although growing up the only girl between three boys its inevitable to be somewhat spoiled. But the love I am speaking of is hugs, kisses and knowing that is someone there to help you when help is needed. If a person demonstrates to me that they "love me", in the sense of the word, that makes me happy.

Although everything has not been always good times. I have plenty of setbacks, and failures throughout my life. From hanging out with "the wrong people" to not presume what I want to be when I was younger. Yet for me my greatest disappointment will have to be that I was not closer to my grandparents that passed away. My mother's father died when I was in Mexico, and although I was kind of young I wish I would have had more one on one time with him. My father's mother died almost two years ago, and with all the hassals growing up as a teenager, I did not pay much attention to my extended family members. I would give anything to be able to spend another day with my grandmother in the kitchen.

After these events one should think about the future and how he or she can make it better. One thing I know I need to change about myself is the organization. I do not have the greatest memory, which then makes being disorganized so much more harder. I have tried to be a more organized person in the past. This year is actually when I told



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