Neo Nazism Deviant Subculter
Essay by review • December 21, 2010 • Research Paper • 1,434 Words (6 Pages) • 1,691 Views
One Segment of sociology focuses on sub-cultures, specifically; deviant subcultures. The White Supremacist and Neo-Nazi movements in America are a prime example of a deviant subculture. White Supremacy is defined as a racist ideology which holds that the white race is superior to other races (wiki). Further, Neo-Nazism is used to refer to any social or political movement seeking to revive Nazism or a form of fascism, which postdates the Second World War. There are many groups which fall under either one category or the other, and all fall under the broader category of racist groups.
There are many different Neo-Nazi organizations that have been established throughout America and the world. Many of these groups avoid using the word neo-nazi or neo-nazism in an attempt to appeal to a wider variety of people, but some of the most radical organizations embrace the term and openly celebrate Nazi ideology and practices in every day life. Many different groups are currently openly operating in the United States, they include, but are not limited to: The American Nazi Party, The Aryan Nations, The Libertarian National Socialist Green Party, the National Socialist Party of America, and NSM88 or the National Socialist Movement. The KKK or Ku Klux Klan is separate from Nazism and Neo-Nazism and predates both. The Ku Klux Klan supports most Neo-Nazi and Aryan/ White Supremacist groups (wiki).
NSM88 is one of the more prolific Neo-Nazi groups, holding many rallies and protests around the nation, most recently Orlando Florida. NSM stands for the National Socialist Movement, and 88 stands for Heil Hitler, H being the eighth letter of the alphabet. NSM88's homepage is blatantly racist with links to people who are both for and against NSM88. "Meantime, just 115 miles away Marcus Henry was getting himself arrested for armed robbery. Mr Henry is black and, get this, a prison officer! While we like to have our points proven, you don't have to be quite so enthusiastic"(
NSM88 also has what they refer to as the 25 points of American National Socialism. These include things like "only members of the nation may be citizens of the state. Only those of pure White blood, whatever their creed, may be members of the nation. Non-citizens may live in America only as guests and must be subject to laws for aliens. Accordingly, no Jew or homosexual may be a member of the nation"(NSM88). This shows that not only is NSM88 racist, but they are also homophobic and anti semitic. NSM88 is also only in favor of abortion in cases of "rape, incest, race-mixing, and mental retardation"( NSM88 claims to favor freedom over facism when they say "we demand absolute religious freedom for all denominations in the State, provided they do not threaten its existence nor offend the moral feelings of the White race"( So all white non-jewish straight people who never offend any white people in power are perfectly free to do whatever they wish. NSM88 also believes that women should stay home while men work and women should be subservient and in general, inferior to men.
NSM88 claims that the majority of Hate Crimes are perpetrated by black males upon you poor white people. NSM88 states that blacks are far more likely to be perpetrators of hate crimes and are slightly less likely to be victims. "9 out of 10 victims of Black attackers said they thought the offender's motive was their race. For victims reporting White offenders, only 3 in 10 attributed the crime to race"( Further analysis of this statement shows that these are not actual facts, rather the opinions of those who had been the victims of the crimes. It should also be noted that while some people are referred to as "black attackers" others are "reported white offenders". NSM88 also makes the claim that "In short: getting beat up by an angry white man is likely to be a whole lot less dangerous to your long term health than being attacked by a hate filled black. The demonification of black people is also noticeable here, terming a white attacker as "angry" and a black offender as being "hate filled". NSM88 also claims that these figures were "buried deep in a report from the US Department of Justice issued in November 2005 and not reported in mainstream media". This lack of public reporting might have something to do with the fact that most of the information is not actual fact, but is the opinion of people who were victims of crime. These claims and mis-information are an example of how deviant subculture groups attempt to recruit people into their ranks with a combination of lies and hate.
Not all Neo-Nazi organizations are as open and obviously biased as NSM88. Some groups are now using popular culture to attempt to convert a larger percentage of the white population to their racist views. A singing group known as Prussian Blue has put out two albums supporting Nazism and Neo-Nazism. The musical group consists of twin sisters Lynx and Lamb Gaede, both of whom sing and play instruments for the band. Many of the groups songs directly refer to Nazi leaders including Hitler and Hess ( They also make references to recent and current Neo-Nazi figureheads and advocates. In a song entitled 'Sacrifice' the girls sing "Rudolf Hess, man of Peace. He wouldn't give up and he wouldn't cease. Remember him and give a pause. Robert Mathews