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Neural Network

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Neural Network

Neural Network, highly interconnected network of information-processing elements that mimics the connectivity and functioning of the human brain.

Neural networks are a form of multiprocessor computer system, with

* Simple processing elements

* A high degree of interconnection

* Simple scalar messages

* Adaptive interaction between elements

Where can neural network systems help?

* Where we can't formulate an algorithmic solution.

* Where we can get lots of examples of the behavior we require.

* Where we need to pick out the structure from existing data.

Neural networks address problems that are often difficult for traditional computers to solve, such as speech and pattern recognition. They also provide some insight into the way the human brain works. One of the most significant strengths of neural networks is their ability to learn from a limited set of examples Neural networks have been applied to many problems since they were first introduced, including pattern recognition, handwritten character recognition, speech recognition, financial and economic modeling, and next-generation computing models.


Neural networks fall into two categories: artificial neural networks and biological neural networks. Artificial neural networks are modeled on the structure and functioning of biological neural networks. The most familiar biological neural network is the human brain. The human brain is composed of approximately 100 billion nerve cells called neurons that are massively interconnected. Typical neurons in the human brain are connected to on the order of 10,000 other neurons, with some types of neurons having more than 200,000 connections. The extensive number of neurons and their high degree of interconnectedness are part of the reason that the brains of living creatures are capable of making a vast number of calculations in a short amount of time. See also Neurophysiology.

Artificial Neural Network Architecture

The architecture of a neural network is the specific arrangement and connections of the neurons that make up the network. One of the most common neural network architectures has three layers. The first layer is called the input layer and is the only layer exposed to external signals. The input layer transmits signals to the neurons in the next layer, which is called a hidden layer. The hidden layer extracts relevant features or patterns from the received signals. Those features or patterns that are considered important are then directed to the output layer, the final layer of the network. Sophisticated neural networks may have several hidden layers, feedback loops, and time-delay elements, which are designed to make the network as efficient as possible in discriminating relevant features or patterns from the input layer.


Neuroscientists studying the structure and function of the brain believe that important information that needs to be remembered may cause the brain to constantly reinforce the pathways between the neurons that form the memory, while relatively unimportant information will not receive the same degree of reinforcement.

A. Connection Weights

To mimic the way in which biological neurons reinforce certain axon-dendrite pathways, the connections between artificial neurons in a neural network are given adjustable connection weights, or measures of importance. When signals are received and processed by a node, they are multiplied by a weight, added up, and then transformed by a nonlinear function. The effect of the nonlinear function is to cause the sum of the input signals to approach some value, usually +1 or 0. If the signals entering the node add up to a positive number, the node sends an output signal that approaches +1 out along all of its connections, while if the signals add up to a negative value, the node sends a signal that approaches 0. This is similar to a simplified model of a how a biological neuron functions--the larger the input signal, the larger the output signal.

B. Training Sets

Computer scientists teach neural networks by presenting them with desired input-output training sets. The input-output training sets are related patterns of data. For instance, a sample training set might consist of ten different photographs for each of ten different faces. The photographs would then be digitally entered into the input layer of the network. The desired output would be for the network to signal one of the neurons in the output layer of the network per face. Beginning with equal, or random, connection weights between the neurons, the photographs are digitally entered into the input layer of the neural network and an output signal is computed and compared to the target output. Small adjustments are then made to the connection weights to reduce the difference between the actual output and the target output. The input-output set is again presented to the network and further adjustments are made to the connection weights because the first few times that the input is entered, the network will usually choose the incorrect output neuron. After repeating the weight-adjustment process many times for all input-output patterns in the training set, the network learns to respond in the desired manner.

A neural network is said to have learned when it can correctly perform the tasks for which it has been trained. Neural networks are able to extract the important features and patterns of a class of training examples and generalize from these to correctly process new input data that they have not encountered before. For a neural network trained to recognize a series of photographs, generalization would be demonstrated if a new photograph presented to the network resulted in the correct output neuron being signaled.




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