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No Apology

Essay by   •  November 28, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,575 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,345 Views

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No Apology! I invite your fight, to stand and to feel what is right! Come close and face me! Speak, shout, or scream your truth-- no apology! Stop drowning in your sickness of sorrow. Stand and be heard; be not part of the herd. Be yourself, totally. Stand apart or stand near, but stand with your two feet on Earth.

We are here to awaken. Spirit can speak when we tell the truth. The lie is dead, stop living in the head. Taste the waters within your oceanic sea. Free the fiery worms inside. They want to be released before you die. Your culture and manors are there to tame your wildness. Your humbleness is riddled with falseness. Falseness breeds deceit, and deceit is contempt for anything alive. Your madness is your suppressed fear. The fear is to live your vice. Vice is not weakness; it brings you to your knees. It brings you to gratitude for life. This truth may not be yours, but I am here to sing my song before I rot and become a bit of dirt.

Your prison is fear, shame, and guilt-- the common disease of our modern time. The state has split you against yourself. You have allowed it to eat your aliveness, sound bite by sound bite, each and every day until you wither away as a socialite. Love means strife. Stand for what wants to live inside and through you-- without apology. Only you can express what life has granted. Forget all about the consequences, judgments and moral indignation.

Conscience is not cheep, nor cause to weep for or regret. Conscience is the soul's wisdom. But your soul is still caught in deep sleep. It can awaken, develop and become fortified to protect you from the systematic systems of indoctrination designed to kill your inner thirst and hunger for war-wisdom! Not a war of right against wrong, using guns and bombs, but a war to free your true consciousness. It's a battle for your very own life-- a fight for the gift of existence and life. Not that repressed Christian or otherwise idea of life that wants to preserve its self in a testament, book or test tube. Life does not need life defenders. Life defenders are the disillusioned pretenders hiding behind a false moral code of imaginary forms of ideal conduct. These forms of life are lifeless.

Life that feels is alive! It feels passion. It can taste it's own sweet blood the pain and sorrow, the bliss and the joy. It feels everything. It travels deep into the still depths of emptiness. Life that lives laughs, moves, shakes and hungers to feed its self until satisfied.

But this is the age of the benign, the sterile, the new world order of imperial peace, claiming to promote tranquility through endless destruction. The new social structure is designed to tame and enslave you by your own unconscious choice. Society reflects your own lack of will to live and embrace your full existence. Society reflects your crushed will and wish for death to come as an escape.

This is the age of the last great lies. We have reached the end of psychoanalyses. The inner-police employed to diagnose and measure how far you have drifted from the fat and well-fed flock. You are the source of all sovereignty and truth. Every single person is an island of pure truth, yet most feel cut away from their true source, so we give our power away and project it onto the state or stars and their agents-- priests and politicians, scholars, and scientists.

You are the center of all authority, nobody else and certainly no outside agency will do it for you. All answers are within you, but you have forgotten how to ask and how to listen for the original answers to timeless questions each and every one must asks sooner or later. What do you seek and why?

Woman and man must see the fire in their own eyes without fear or hesitancy. Caution never contains courage. Our time is only now. You decide. Sleep, pop another pill or awake to THAT which lives inside. Call THAT by another name for It's nameless. God's name has been abused. Name Him anew, if you must, but do so before He gets a bar code label slapped across His face. It's yours to keep and yours to deny. It is you who decides to live or to die.

Oh man, oh sick man, you have lost the ability to cry. Your eyes have become dry, blank and shallow. Have you also lost the sound of that beat inside? Stop the search. Eternal life is near. It is here-- life needs no proof! Do you really think that your day will be better if we find out when and how it all began? As we waste time looking outward for answers we forget that unknown frontier inside.

Yet, we remain hell-bent to destroy every bit of life until we destroy ourselves. We feel the pain every day. It tears at us deep inside. We are killing our Self, yet we would rather remain numb, occupied



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