Obama-Promises for America
Essay by kpopiscool • January 31, 2013 • Essay • 1,343 Words (6 Pages) • 1,246 Views
On Tuesday November 6, I will be casting my vote for the next president of the United States of America. I based my decisions on his experiences and abilities to accomplish the many roles the president is asked to perform. The next president should be an experienced Chief of Diplomat, Chief of State and Legislative Leader. In addition, my preferred candidate corresponds with my personal beliefs on the campaign issues most important to me. He believes in social issues, economy and military. After reflecting on his personal qualities and viewpoints on the issues, I have decided to vote for Obama to be the next president of the United States of America.
Barack Obama`s past experiences from his childhood to becoming president in 2008, has made him become a great influence to many people and leader for this country today and forth. As a Chief of Diplomat, the president requires to manage foreign policy, negotiate and sign treaties and trade agreements with other nations. During part of Obama`s childhood, he lived and studied in Jakarta, Indonesia for a few years with his mother living through poverty, struggles and becoming very experienced in many different cultures. During Obama`s presidency he has met with many of the world's leaders and hosted an international summit on the proliferation of nuclear weapons. He has ended the war in Iraq and also promised to kill Osama Bin Laden, which he did. He has the advantage and knowledge of knowing how to deal with our foreign policies, alliancing with other nations and protecting us from harm and threats showing that he is qualified to be an excellent Chief of Diplomat. Obama would also be a very good leader and example of a Chief of State. The Chief of State represents our country, a living symbol. Obama is an excellent speaker, inspires many people through his speeches, shows charisma, and is devoted to the middle class, showing compassion and care for our country. Obama is also qualified to be an outstanding Legislative Leader. A legislative leader proposes legislation, prepares a federal budget, and approves or vetos legislation. He attended Harvard Law and earned a law degree and many academic honors when he graduated in 1991. He had also taught courses in constitutional law at the University of Chicago and was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996, and then to the U.S. Senate in 2004.
Social Issues are becoming into greater problems affecting everyone in society than we think and from Obama`s abilities and experience, he will continue to fix them. Obama is pro-choice on abortion rights, believing in a woman's right to choose to continue or abort her pregnancy. He has said that he supports limiting "late-term" abortions, provided there is an exception in cases where the woman's health is at risk. He "overall should advocate such stances as individual rights, and the fight over oppression and personal fulfillment and personal health concerns." As for Immigration, he has done many things to fix our broken immigration system. He "took action to lift the shadow of deportation from young people who came to the United States as children through no fault of their own." He refuses to give up the DREAM Act and is committed to working with Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform. He promises that he will make "immigration policy more fair, efficient and just." Another social issue that needs to be fixed is equal rights. Obama has "signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to help women fight back against pay discrimination." He supports same-sex couples and wants to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." He thinks that everyone should have equal rights and equal pay for equal work.
The Economy has made many Americans sacrifice their keys to life from struggling to putting food on the table to losing a job and seeing the deficit increasing everyday on the news, but for the economy to rise up again and grow, we need a leader, like Obama, who will fight and stabilize our economy. To have a stabilized and balanced economy, we need jobs. Obama has done and is still fighting to put more jobs out there for Americans. He has rescued an auto industry, saving one million new jobs and more. Since January 2010, he has been reviving U.S. manufacturing jobs adding another 479,000 jobs (the most growth in a decade). Obama has also a "plan to bring jobs back to the US by eliminating tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, also creating incentives for businesses to bring jobs back to America." He also promises that everyone should play by the same rules. Education is another important key for a healthy economy. Obama has said that everyone should get a shot at an education. He has been rewarding responsible students, keeping good teachers