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Obesity Case

Essay by   •  November 7, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,942 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,260 Views

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Paragraph one:

1) Topic Sentence: Back in the cave man time, Man kept chasing food in order to stay alive; they would eat anything and everything as long as it is available as they were trying to survive. Now, there is plenty of food out there, yet people are still ready to eat anything and everything even if it might result into their death.

2) Problem statement: Obesity is now a major problem in Egypt that needs to be solved. Many people seem to be neglecting the fact that obesity causes many deadly health issues which will only result into serious financial troubles. The unhealthier junk food someone eats, the more serious health problems they will face which results into over prices hospital bills.

3) Reference to role of media: Lately, many anti-obesity campaigns are being promoted around the world. They are not only using the old media methods, yet the new ones as well. Now, there are campaigns trying to reach an enormous number of people through their televisions, newspapers ,subways signs or the new methods like social media which are now having a phenomenal impact on the new generations

4) Reference to role of ads: Those both campaigns were launched by New York city department of health and mental hygiene. However, they are different. Each campaign was trying to raise awareness from a different percatptopn .The first ad (Cut your portions, cut your risks) are talking people through cutting their portions of any junk food whether it is soda, burgers, pizza etc. The first ad was talking more about how people subconsciously end up getting the largest size of food instead of the small and the campaign was taking that more into their consideration. On the other hand, The second ad(are you pouring in the calories) was shading thee light on the fact that soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages can sneak up on you, adding hundreds of calories to your diet each day without ever filling you up. The campaign was talking people more into choosing water instead and being more aware that soda is not water and how dangerous it can be

5) Description of 2 Ads: The first ad shows an obese paralyzed man in the background with his face not show. There is a text right next to it saying "Portions have grown so has obesity which can lead to many health problems) the font is in caps. The ad shows, 3 different sizes of burgers(small , medium and large in sequence) measured by a ruler with a text of white font yet still in caps " cut your portions cut your risk, Call 311 for your health eating packet) And there is NYC logo as well. White the other ad, has white background a hand holding a soda bottle being poured in a glass which turns to a blob of fat as it reaches the glass. The ad has two different texts one under the bottle raising the question "are you pouring on the pounds" the font is in caps as well .black coloured expect for the word pounds is in light-red color. There is another text under the glass which says "DON'T DRINK YOURSELF FAT" in pink and a under it "Cut back on soda and other sugary beverages. Go with water, seltzer or low fat milk instead" with the NYC logo at the end as well.

6) Message of 2 ads: Cutting portions, leads to less health problems. The less soda or junk food you have eaten the less health problem you might suffer from.

7) Thesis statement :Although both ads are good and effective in sending their message, I believe that the first ad is more affective; the photo of the paralyzed in the background leaves us concerned. The campaign connected the idea of increasing portions to the result of being paralysed which is quite shocking yet effective.

Paragraph two:

1) Topic sentence: Both ads use the three rhetorical appeals in order to deliver their message. However, the appeal of pathos is the most significant one in both of them.

2) Definition of the technique : Pathos is the appeal to human emotions through the usage of human/animal figures and also through text.

3) Listing and explaining of techniques used in the first ad to appeal the audience emotionally :

In the first ad, paralyzed man is in the background which leaves us with sympathy towards him, Shock, that the fact that these burgers in the front are the reasons behind that man's serious health problem. The three burgers in the front leave me with disgust. The way the ad used to connect the burgers with the paralyzed man leads to an immediate disgust to that burger. Now, anyone who will see the burger will just remember that connection. The usage of texts was quite impressive as well. "CUT YOUR PORTIONS, CUT YOUR RISK" in caps leaves us alerted that this is exactly what everyone of us should do. The mentioned text is in white which indicates that there is some hope still while "PORTIONS HAVE GROWN" is in black which gives a negative and sad reaction.

4) Listing and explaining techniques used in the second ad to appeal the audience emotionally :The second ad used the appeal of pathos wisely as well, Matching the color of soda with the color of fats in the glass, let us be disgust from it they ad designer managed to let us be worried about our health; the usage of a small bottle of soda which everyone drinks in their daily diets give the audience the worry about their health and their wrong eating habits. The appeal of pathos can be found in the text also, using the word "POUNDS" in capital font and red leaves us alerted. "DRINK YOURSLF FAT" in red and capital font bothers the audience because to some extent you might feel offended with that statement.

5) Which is better and why? : Both ads designers used the appeal wisely in order to deliver their message. However, I personally believe that the first ad designer used it better because he connected the idea of serious health issues with the increase of the burger portions

Paragraph 3:

1) Topic sentence: The appeal of logic is a very important appeal used by campaigners managements in order to deliver their message.

2) Definition: The appeal of logos addresses the mind through presenting data and information found on the website if provided.

3) Listing and explaining techniques used in the first ad to appeal the audience's mind :

Relating the increasing of portions to



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