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Occupational Therapy

Essay by   •  April 28, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  1,842 Words (8 Pages)  •  4,046 Views

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Pt. 1 Dx. F/79 CVA with Ð'® hem paresis on dominate side.

LTG. Pt. to safely perform self care tasks and functional mobility

with SBA.

STG. 1. Pt. to improve (B) UE AROM and functional strength demonstrated by Ð'® shoulder abd. 50%, Ð'® shoulder flexion

45 degrees, Ð'® elbow flexion 105 degrees, Ð'® elbow extension

-42 degrees.

2. Pt. to safely transfer to all functional surfaces with SBA.

3. Pt. to improve standing bal. to F+

4. Pt. to perform UB ADLs with min A. (may require assistive


Activities Various Thera band exercises to increase UE strength. This will

increase functional strength, flexion, extension, and also aid

pt. with safely transferring.

Cones to be passed behind head from one hand to the other. This will aid shoulder flexion, extension, and ROM to help perform


Standing at sink. This will improve standing tolerance, and bal. to

aid in goal of standing bal., transfers, and to perform ADLs.

Teach safety techniques for transferring. This will aid in

performing safe transfers.

Teach proper technique for using adaptive equipment. This will

aid in successful use of adaptive aids.

Pt. 2 Dx. F/67 Osteoarthritis and overall muscle weakness.

LTG. Increase Pt. strength, bal., and ADLs to reach max. level

of func. (I).

STG. 1. Pt. to increase UE strength to 4/5.

2. Pt. to increase UB ADL functioning to 5.

3. Pt. to transfer safely to all functional surfaces with SBA.

4. Pt. to increase functional activity tol. to 15 min. with 1 RB.

Activities Various exercises with 1lb. weight to increase strength. This

will help increase UB functioning, help to increase safety in transfers, ADL functioning, and improve overall muscle

strength in UB.

Hand bike. This will increase tol., UE flexion and extension,

and help improve ADL functioning.

Standing at sink. This will improve standing tolerance, and bal. to

aid in goal of standing bal., transfers, and to perform ADLs.

Teach safety techniques for transferring. This will aid in

performing safe transfers.

Pegboard. This will help fine motor movement in hands to assist

in ADL functioning.

ROM arc. To improve ROM, to assist in ADL functioning.

Pt. 3 Dx. F/91 Acrocallosal Syndrome (ACS) and overall muscle weakness.

LTG. Pt. will safely perform ADLs, IADLs, and functional mob. with

modified (I).

STG. 1. Pt will safely transfer to all functional surfaces with mod (I).

2. Pt. to improve standing bal. to F+, static/dynamic.

3. Pt to improve functional activity tol. demonstrated by standing

10 min. while participating in therapeutic activity.

4. Pt to perform toileting taks with mod (I).

5. Pt. will safely perform IADLs with SBA.

Activities Standing at sink. This will improve standing tolerance, and bal. to

aid in goal of standing bal., transfers, and to perform ADLs.

Teach safety techniques for transferring. This will aid in

performing safe transfers.

Repetition of activities. This will aid someone with ACS in successful learning of new techniques for transferring and safety.

Toilet transfers. This will help in gaining independence for toileting.

Simulate washing dishes. This will aid in standing bal. combined with a functional activity.

Thera band exercise. This will increase UB strength to aid in safe transfers.

Pt. 4 Dx. F/87 COPD, and overall muscle weakness.

LTG. Increase Pt. strength, tol, bal. to reach max functional (I) of ADLs.

STG. 1. Pt. to increase activity tol. to 15 min. with 1 rest break.

2. Pt. will perform UB ADLs with min A.

3. Pt to increase (B) shoulder flex. strength to 3+.

4. Pt. to increase LB ADLs to mod A.

5. Pt. to perform functional transfers with good safety.

Activities Hand gripper. To increase strength in hands to help with safe transfers, and ADLs.

ROM arc. To increase (B) shoulder ROM, and to increase activity tolerance.

Sit to stand. This



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