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Oedipus Rex

Essay by   •  December 29, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,296 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,260 Views

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Oedipus Rex

In reality, I think when anything bad happens to a good person it is considered to be a

tragedy. Sophocles was a Greek playwright who wrote the play, Oedipus the King. In reading

this story I found Oedipus Rex to be a true tragic hero. He is a good man, strong, smart, and

compassionate. He is a king well liked by his people. Oedipus's down fall is the result of him

finding the answers to his true mysterious identity. The mistakes he makes are not his fault

because he lacks the true knowledge of his birth parents. I don't think he deserves his tragic fate.

How could he be? The errors and bad judgements he makes are due to lack of knowing the truth

of his identity. Oedipus can't control his fate even though the gods warn him about the tragedies

he will face.

Oedipus's main problem is his ignorance. He is warned that he will kill his father and

will marry his mother. However not knowing who his real parents really are and that they gave

him away at birth dooms him to a fate he couldn't change. Oedipus doesn't know that he was

adopted by people who had raised him to think he was their own son. So Oedipus in haste sets

out to make sure that his parents are safe. However, on his way home he has a fight with King

Laios and kills him. His anger takes control. Only to find out later that he in reality had killed

his birth father. When he arrives in Thebes he helps the people banish a plaque by solving a

riddle, which earns him their respect and makes him become their new king. Then Oedipus

marries Locaste, the queen and has four children. Thinking at last he has found true happiness

and has put the prophecy to an end. He sets out to find out who murdered King Laios

Searching for the truth he also discovers shame. It was him that murdered the king and Locaste

is his true mother.

Oedipus isn't responsible for his actions because he's unaware of the truth of his

life. He doesn't have knowledge of his real parents because he was adopted. His tragic

downfall is inescapable and is brought about mostly because of his strong determination and

pride. Oedipus as a person has a lot of good qualities. He is a great leader who is very

knowledgeable and is well liked by the people of Thebes. He always tries to help his people

especially in times of trouble, which makes him a good king and a good person. Oedipus isn't a

dishonest man even though he is considered a very powerful man. Oedipus then starts his search

for the truth and doesn't give up because he wants to help his people. When Oedipus does find

out the truth he doesn't try to hide it, he accepts it. This is one of many qualities that make King

Oedipus a true hero.

What happens to Oedipus at the end of the play makes me sad because he is a good man

but is destined to a tragic fate. The play shows us that our fate can't be avoided no matter what

we do. Unlike Jocasta, Oedipus accepts his own fate freely and openly. So the truth isn't what

destroys him because he still has his honor. At the end of the play Oedipus sets out to leave and

withdraws from being king because his people mean a great deal to him. This is another example

of him being a tragic hero, he's a man than takes pride and honor in himself. He is a king who

loses all his happiness he has found after learning the truth of his own identity. But I don't think

he was responsible for his mistakes. Oedipus has no control over his fate, even though the gods

warned him what will happen.

I couldn't help having pity for Oedipus towards the end of the story. He is a very noble,

caring, man and in the beginning Oedipus seems to have a good life. But, through ignorance, his

actions are poorly judged. However no matter if right or wrong, everyone is responsible for

his or her own actions in life. Learning his self-awareness makes Oedipus realize the choices he

made in his life were wrong. Even though Oedipus hears that he is to kill his father and have

children with his mother, he is still determined to set things right. It sounds impossible that a

man could live his entire



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