Of Mice and Men
Essay by erica123 • November 28, 2012 • Book/Movie Report • 1,529 Words (7 Pages) • 1,215 Views
Introductory info: General Information
Mr Lennie Small was an orphan but along with George Milton was adopted by their aunt Clara. His life consist mainly of 3 things. His fetish with soft things, his protector George Milton, and the dream of one day owning a place to own with Mr. Milton. Mr. Small's personality is
like that of a child. He is innocent and mentally handicapped. He has no ability to understand abstract concepts such as death. Because of his mental impairment he suffer abuse since childhood from his school to his colleges at work. A sign that his mentally impaired is his constant
lack of memory, his immature speech with misarticulating, he also has behavioral disorders such as disturbed social relationships and aggressive behavior. Mr. Small memory span is proven to be shorter because of the constant reminders Mr. Milton gave him. An example of that
being when Mr. Milton has to remind him who was the lady that would give him the mice to pet. Mr. Small also cause harm to Mr. Curley's breaking the bones of his hand, as well as causing the death to Mr. Curley's wife by breaking her neck and along with it the countless of mice
and the dog he accidentally kills. Mr. Small also shows signs of being mentally still a child by constantly relying on Mr. Milton. Also when he kills Mr. Curley's wife he did not take it as something as abstract like death but simply thinking he did something bad such as a child would,
and worry that Mr. Milton will scold him just like a parent would towards their child. Mr. Milton confesses as well that he used to played jokes on him such as when he order Mr. Small to jump into a lake even though they both knew Mr. Small could not swim he did as Mr. Milton
order and ended up drowning, but saved. I believe his obsession with soft things such as the rabbits, mice, dogs, and silk is a way for him to feel secured by petting them he no longer feels afraid and alone nor rejected from society. Mr. Small suffers from loneliness this being
because of his constant abuse and rejection from society because of his intellectual defect.
Axis 1: Clinical Disorders
Because of his mental impairment he suffers from memory loss
Axis 2: Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation
Mr. Small has shown signs of mental retardation by his child like personality, the dependence of others, the lack of understanding of complex things, and his immature speech
Axis 3: General Medical Conditions
The only physical damage Mr. Small shows are the the damages he gets from the people that attack him from misjudging him such as Mr. Curley and the people from his previous stayed in the town of Weed.
Axis 4: psychosocial and Environmental Issues
Mr. Small shows signs of psychological loneliness. Since he was an orphan he never knew a parental figured until Ms. Clara adopted him. Ms. Clara accepted him as her own child despised his mental disabilities but, once she died he no longer had that parental figure. He also has
cognitive loneliness from his lack of communication and lack of intelligence needed to survive in society. He does not feel normal so he can't fit into society therefore he feels lonely.
Axis 5: GAF
I have decided to place Mr Lennie Small in the range from 40 and down the reason being. Because his mental disability he cannot communicate well with others, and his judgement and thinking are those of a 5 year old not yet developed well. The reason why he would go down
to the scale of 20 is because he has caused the death of Mr. Curley's wife and has injured Mr. Curley and has killed countless animals. He however does not suffer from hallucinations or suicide attempts.
Treatment Plan
There is nothing that can cure Mr. Lennie Small mental impairment but there's treatments for him to no longer feel unwanted, lonely, and rejected. Since dealing with a mental disable client I will have to first determine the age appropriateness of Mr. Small. By doing that I will avoid
using words he is not able to understand and since I'm dealing with a client that has a mind of a child I will treat him such as i would towards a child. The first week will just consist of getting to know him and him to trust me for him to feel safe with me. I will focus on eclectic therapy consisting of humanistic, behavioral, and existential. By being very in tune to what Mr. Small tells me of the events that happen to him and picking up any negative feeling I will point them out to him such as. If he feels frustrated, angry, or sad about something or someone. By doing this I attempt to give him a sense of visibility and understand as well as accept who he is as well as putting a specific name to what he is experiencing. I will engage with him in role plays to see how exactly he sees things. By doing