Old Time Friends No More
Essay by review • March 8, 2011 • Essay • 986 Words (4 Pages) • 1,079 Views
Old Time Friends No More
As you grow up, you learn about yourself and the people around you. You find what fits you and what doesn't. As a child you find that most anyone can be your friend. You can go anywhere and find someone to play with and befriend. What happens when you grow up? You close your doors and stick to a small group of friends, finding it hard to open up your heart to someone new, and yet as a child you could talk to anyone. Even with the small group of people you have, you learn over time that those people are not always what you need, and you begin to separate, sometimes you just part ways and other times you split as enemies. Friends change all the time. Are you really meant to keep those one friends or is it a forever revolving door, always changing?
I used to think that I would always be friends with the same people in high school as in middle school, but as you grow up you learn that is not so. People change, we grow, and it's okay, but its how that friendship splits that is the problem. A friendship is based on love, trust, and an understanding of the other person, but when even one of those things is broken, so is that friendship. Jealousy is the killer of most all friends. It's a shame that the word jealousy is such a killer, but its true. If you have a friend that has never had the most perfect life, the smallest things can end a relationship.
I have learned over times who I can trust, and I have learned of the people who I cannot! As a person I have grown over the past few months not so much years as months, because reality became of me the most. Being a leader in Drill team, going to college, and setting up my life for the future. I found that I still have that inner child to befriend most anyone, but I also know that
not everyone can do that and those people will always be my enemy. As Benjamin Franklin wrote in a letter to William Strahan, "You and I were long friends: you are now my enemy and I am yours." (1). This quote fits perfect into my life because it is true! I know whom I trust and whom I don't. This feeling is also mutual, which I think is sad but at least there is no pretending. When you feel the way I do, you are unable to forgive that person, you are unable to find the strength to be a bigger person. You do stoop to their level in a hope that you are able to make them feel as bad as they did you. As bad as that is, it's the truth.
But you tell me if what I did was really that bad. The way it started was I made drill team officer, which is a wonderful gift. And yet this person seemed to think that I didn't deserve it, that because she had been in drill Team longer it was automatically hersÐ'... I wonder if she even realized that my scores were better or even at least that the girl who made co-captain had only been in drill team one year. And yet she chooses me to hate on, to verbally abuse. So what did I do wrong? Nothing, I did my job and