Organizational Diversity Analysis: Azusa Pacific University
Essay by Qiang Wang • September 16, 2015 • Research Paper • 6,424 Words (26 Pages) • 1,511 Views
Essay Preview: Organizational Diversity Analysis: Azusa Pacific University
Organizational Diversity Analysis: Azusa Pacific University
Executive Summary
This paper focuses on the diversity at Azusa Pacific University (APU) and the diversity elements the university has put in place. A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis (SWOT) is used to determine recommendations to develop a more robust diversity understanding training. APU offers a deep belief system that is backed by biblical scripture on why diversity is important to the university. However, APU lacks in the training, follow-up, and funding for their diversity endeavors. They are also directly affected by the growing support of people groups such as homosexuals and transgender. The people groups listed are pushing for a new sense of tolerance that allows for total equality. Recommendations are provided to APU that range from seeking additional funding from outside agencies for training purposes, to introducing a train the trainer method of instruction that will afford the HR department additional resources while being cost effective.
Azusa Pacific University (APU) is a private, interdenominational, evangelical Christian university. It is ranked “6th out of 100 universities for awarding Hispanic master’s degrees in the education category and 10th for awarding Asian American master’s degree in the psychology category in 2011” (White, 2011). This article attempts to figure out how a traditional Christian school like APU can be so successful in the area of diversity. It also explains how APU attracts such diversity in staff members and students from all over the world, while still holding high Christian values and spreading the gospel. To better understand the APU’s diversity movement, I will overview the APU diversity vision statement, purpose, and guiding principles. I also interviewed some key component staff members regarding to the diversity on the campus.
In this article, I will also use the SWOT analysis method to find out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats on diversity in APU. I will try to cover and diversity issues and trends that affect APU in the future. Furthermore, I will generate ideas and recommendations that could improve diversity at APU and other Christian schools. I will make a strategic plan for some implementing ideas, not just at APU but also at the other Christian schools. “For just as the body is one and have many members, and all the members of the body, though many are one body, so it is with Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:12). Hopefully my idea and recommendations will help our Christian community grow and just like what Matthew 28:19 states “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Background of APU
According to the school website, Azusa Pacific University was established in 1899, and is the first Bible College (Christian school) established on the West Coast. The school began with only 12 students enrolled in the first year. Today, the APU population has grown to nearly 11,500 students, who are covered by 61 bachelor’s degrees, 40 master’s degrees, 17 certificates, 11 credentials, 8 doctoral programs, and 2 associate degrees. It is a widely varied University community with diverse backgrounds in different aspects. But APU approaches diversity from a major Christian perspective, rather than the modern world’s approach. On the APU website, it affirms that diversity is an expression of God’s image, love, and boundless creativity. The school's diversity statement as follows:
We believe that all people, without exception, bear the image of God. We also believe that, because sin has marred each individual, Christ, in His great love, chose to die on the cross for the sake of every person so that all may receive forgiveness for sin and be reconciled to God. Our pursuit of diversity involves fulfilling Christ’s command to love our neighbors as ourselves. We support a diverse university across lines of race, ethnicity, culture, gender, socioeconomic status, class, age and ability. In submitting to the Lordship of Christ we seek to eliminate attitudes of superiority and failure to fulfill Christ’s charge to reach all peoples. Therefore, we must submit to Christ and love one another as we appreciate individual uniqueness while pursuing the unity for which Jesus prayed (Azusa Pacific University, n.d.).
According to this diversity statement, people can clearly see the Christian perspective found at APU. Most of the statement contains references from the Bible, which shows the strong beliefs and passions about APU’s desire to build a diverse Christian University. The statement is well-written, and the purpose is very clear. APU also lists the guiding principles and core values used in the university's diversity program. On APU’s website, it lists truth and love as two Biblical Foundations. “We believe that diversity can only be properly understood in light of God’s revelation to humankind through the Bible” (John 14:6, 2 Timothy 3:16-17). This explains the unique way APU justifies diversity. This is the standard for the university's hiring procedure, in order to ensure that only highly religious staff and faculty members are hired for the mission. The application process does discriminate towards non-Christians, however the university does not restrict any religious requirements on the students. The love category was written as this, “We advocate a behavior regarding diversity that is anchored in the prerogative of love- God’s love for all people (John 3:16) and His command to love Him and each other (Matthew 22:37-40)” (Azusa Pacific University, n.d.). The University has been recruiting students from every category: The APU student population includes students from all 50 states of the United States and students from 70 other countries. APU has been intentionally recruiting non-Christian students into the school as well. According to staff members of APU, school officials hope this will make the school more religiously diverse, thus challenging the faculty and students to answer the questions from non-Christian. Love is the most important value to glorify God and be obedient to his world. Love has been place as an essential element in the school diversity statement.
In addition to truth and love, there are also others values characterized as guiding principle in the school diversity program, such as faith, grace, humility, respect, community, hospitality, compassion, honesty, patience, and unity, appreciation of different gifts / roles, transformation, and servant leadership. All of these powerful values have been implemented into the school's diversity program, to guide staff and faculty to better understand diversity from a Christian perspective.
APU has very clear diversity goals outlined on their website. These goals are mainly from three categories: University Community, Academic, and Co-curricular. The school administrators send a clear message to their faculty and staff about how to implement diversity programs through the academic community. It also holds high expectations on the university students to administer Christian diversity through Co-curricular activities and student clubs.