Essay by review • February 7, 2011 • Research Paper • 2,839 Words (12 Pages) • 1,489 Views
Oxycontin-A Wonder Drug?
In 1995, the FDA approved a miracle drug, which would aid in a person's ability to cope with the severe pain associated with cancer. Purdue Pharma L.P. of Stamford, Connecticut, introduced the wonder drug that would eventually be the demise of many. Oxycotin would, for several, lead to addiction, criminal behaviors, and, for some, their lives. The intent of releasing the drug was solely to treat patients suffering from chronic pain. Since the release of the drug, doctors are now prescribing the medicine for moderate pain as well. Patients have become extremely addicted and have gone to extreme lengths to obtain the "poor man's heroin," which may include criminal activities. Recovering addicts endure an extreme withdrawal process, therefore, treatments may include extreme medications such as methadone, yet recurrence
is frequent amongst abusers. The lucky ones who have survived kicking the habits created by the wonder drug, and the victims' families of those who have not, are collaborating to change the laws and regulations on such addictive pain relieving medications.
"Oxycontin is a semisynthetic opioid analgesic prescribed for chronic or long-lasting pain. The medication's active ingredient is Oxycodone HCl, which is also found in drugs like Percodan and Tylox." (U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources) The main ingredients of oxycontin have similar addiction factors that are equivalent to morphine. Opioid substances "act by attaching to specific proteins called opioid receptors, which are found in the brain, spinal cord, and gastrointestinal tract. When these drugs attach to certain opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, they can effectively block the transmission of pain messages to the brain." (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) Oxycontin ranges in prescription strengths, between ten mg to one hundred and sixty mg, in a single twelve-hour time released tablet, as compared to Tylox that contains only five mg of Oxycodone per tablet. The advantage of the twelve-hour time released tablets combined with their strength is that chronic pain sufferers need only to take the tablets twice a day. Tylox, along with other similar brands of the lesser strength medication, usually require multiple doses per day. The benefit of such an active dosage and time released formula aids in not only relief, but also in a sufferer's ability to function daily; pain sufferers' function may be limited while taking the remedy. The warning labels of the prescription drug states that one should not: drive, operate heavy machinery or engage in any other dangerous activity.
The original intent of Purdue Pharma LP's distribution of the opioid was initially to treat the most severe, continuously affected, pain sufferers with debilitations associated with cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, sickle cell anemia, and chronic back pain. "The makers of Oxycontin along with its campaign to sell its drug to doctors for their chronic pain sufferers by 1991 exceeded one billion dollars in sales. It was now the number one prescribed, name brand, narcotic medication for moderate to severe pain in the United States. When Oxycontin was first approved, the government had categorized the drug as a schedule II controlled substance under the Controlled Substance Act." (U.S. Department of Justice) The government was concerned about the high potential for abuse. They had also stated that the drug might lead to severe psychological and physical dependence. The DEA stated that the active ingredient, Oxycodone, had similar affects to heroin, thus creating the abuse.
Abusers have misused the medication to obtain a high from the drug. Most have chewed, snorted, and melted the tablets to be shot up. The rush is quick, yet intense giving the abuser a euphoric high. The abuse of Oxycontin, in many states because of its powerful rush, has exceeded heroin use. "Two primary factors set Oxycontin abuse apart from other prescription drug abuse. First, Oxycontin is a powerful drug that contains a much larger amount of the active ingredient, Oxycodone, than other prescription pain relievers do. By crushing the tablet and either ingesting or snorting it, or by injecting diluted Oxycontin, abusers feel the powerful effects of the opioid in a short time, rather than over a 12-hour span. Second, great profits are to be made in the illegal sale of Oxycontin. A 40-milligram pill costs approximately $4 by prescription, yet it may sell for $20 to $40 on the street, depending on the area of the country in which the drug is sold." (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) Many who can no longer receive prescription Oxycontin end up turning to the less expensive street drug, heroin.
Crime related to the drug abuse is primarily reported in rural communities where labor-intensive jobs are at there highest. The most common addicts are reported to be construction workers, coal minors, lumber laborers, and other physically demanding jobholders. The prescription often given to those who are in need of the drug are often tempted to sell the drug for profit, increasing their income, yet struggle with the pain that initiated the prescription. Addicts who struggle with getting their hands on the medicine have turned to falsifying prescriptions and robbing pharmacies.
Oxycontin has affected the lives of many, including the following abuser from Lowell, who wishes to remain anonymous. The addict describes her life experiences while being addicted to Oxycontin:
I used to sell half of my prescription of Oxycontin and shopped for doctors and pharmacies for percocets until my prescription was refilled at the end of the month. I looked forward to the twenty-ninth of every month, half for me, and a quick six hundred dollars to pay my rent. I lost contact with my family because they said that they could see it in my eyes when I was high from using. I have been in rehab three times, but nothing seems to work. My family even sent me to a Florida facility, but I only ended up hooking up with an abuser who was worse than I was. I spent all the money they sent. I had to finally come back and admit what was going on when my boyfriend was wanted by the FBI in New York for something. Mostly everyone in there comes out to get high again, you kind of need a break once and a while, you know? The methadone makes it easier to come off for a bit until they throw you back on the street again. Maybe someday I will stop and get back to what I was before but that wasn't much either. It would be nice to have my head clear though and stop chasing scripts around all month. My friends and I have a trading system for when someone runs out. Someone will always let you borrow if you're