Paraphilia Disorders
Essay by irmashenk • April 9, 2015 • Essay • 1,264 Words (6 Pages) • 3,613 Views
Paraphilia Disorders
Irma L. Shenk
Paraphilia is a term used to describe sexual arousal resulting from atypical stimulants, which may including lifeless items or objects, situations and circumstances, and individuals (List of Paraphilias, 2014). A paraphilia disorder is also called sexual perversions or sexual deviations (Paraphilia, n.d.). What establishes perversion or deviation fluctuates from culture and social norms (Paraphilia, n.d.). Homosexuality was once considered a paraphilia disorder however now is it socially acceptable today (Paraphilia, n.d.). If the disorder becomes harmful or damaging to the physical and mental wellbeing of the paraphilic treatment is indicated (Paraphilic Disorders, 2013). DSM-V lists eight paraphilia disorders and defines paraphilia as a potential mental disorder (Paraphilic Disorders, 2013). The main paraphilia disorders are fetishism, transvestic fetishism, sexual masochism, sexual sadism, voyeurism, exhibitionism, pedophilia, and frotteurism (Paraphilic Disorders, 2013).
Paraphilia Disorders
Paraphilia is a disorder in which an individual's sexual arousal and satisfaction depend on fantasizing and engaging in sexual behavior that is atypical, thrilling, and may be dangerous or life threatening. Paraphilia is the obsession with an object or behavior, and the individual becomes dependent on the object or a particular action for sexual fulfillment. Although paraphilia are considered repugnant, strange, and abnormal in today's society, there are only a few disorders within this condition that is illegal, such as exhibitionism, pedophilia, and voyeurism. According to the DSM-V manual, there are eight primary disorders fetishism, transvestic fetishism, sexual masochism, sexual sadism, voyeurism, exhibitionism, pedophilia, and frotteurism.
Fetishism Disorder
Fetishism originates from the Portuguese word "feitico" which is defined as an obsessive fascination ("Fetishism", n.d.). Fetishism is is a compulsive fixation, fantasies, or atypical behaviors towards an inanimate object or a body part ("Fetishism", n.d.). This is a disorder in which the individual cannot obtain sexual gratification without the object or body part ("Fetishism", n.d.). The fetishist either holds, rubs or smells the object when engaging in sexual activity or will ask the partner to wear the object during sexual activity ("Fetishism", n.d.). Fetishism is more prevalent in males than females ("Fetishism", n.d.). Fetishism becomes a problem, and the individual may need therapy ("Fetishism", n.d.). The disorder interferes with normal sexual activities, social functioning, normal daily activities, and if it becomes impossible to achieve sexual arousal without the fetish object ("Fetishism", n.d.).
Transvestic Fetishism Disorder
Transvestic fetishism is defined as a sexual arousal which results from fantasizing and wearing clothing of the opposite sex ("Transvestic Fetishism", n.d.). It is also commonly known as cross-dressing. This disorder usually affects heterosexual or bisexual men who prefer to wear women's clothing such as panties, bras, nylons, and dresses ("Transvestic Fetishism", n.d.). This disorder usually starts in early childhood when young boys preferred to wear their mother's clothing ("Transvestic Fetishism", n.d.). As his disorder progresses the male may wear the articles hidden from view, and this activity can lead to sexual arousal ("Transvestic Fetishism", n.d.). This disorder may cause the individual to be unhappy, and this can cause stress and anxiety and this may lead to therapy ("Transvestic Fetishism", n.d.). This disorder may lead an individual to seek a surgery to have his gender changed ("Transvestic Fetishism", n.d.).
Sadomasochism Disorder
Sexual masochism is a psychiatric disorder meaning abnormal or unnatural attraction ("Sexual Masochism", n.d.) Sexual masochism is a disorder that the individual fantasizes about being beaten, bound, made to suffer and results in sexual satisfaction ("Sexual Masochism", n.d.). A person may be blindfolded, spanked, choked and humiliated during the sexual activity ("Sexual Masochism", n.d.). Hypoxyphilia (near-asphyxiation) results in accidental death in two million people a year ("Sexual Masochism", n.d.). An individual who is a masochist may place a noose around their neck of put plastic bags over their face to achieve sexual arousal (" Sexual Masochism", n.d.). This disorder can lead to mental problems and death ("Sexual Masochism", n.d.). Sadomasochistic affairs are usually well planned, and the partners have a particular unique word to indicate that the sadistic activity should stop ("Sexual Masochism", n.d.).
Voyeurism Disorder
Voyeurism occurs in a heterosexual male and is a recurring disorder in which the individual gets sexually aroused by observing an unsuspecting person who is naked or in the process of disrobing, or engaged in a sexual activity ("Voyeurism/Symptoms & Signs", n.d.). The common name for this disorder is "peeping Tom" ("Voyeurism/ Symptoms & Signs", n.d.). Peeping or act of looking at someone else without their knowledge results in sexually arousal and excitement ("Voyeurism/ Symptoms & Signs", n.d.). During the peeping episode, the individual will masturbate or reach sexual arousal and will fantasize about having a sexual experience with the person they are watching ("Voyeurism/Symptoms & Signs", n.d.). A person with this disorder usually suffers from anxiety, social and interpersonal difficulties ("Voyeurism/Symptoms & Signs", n.d.).
Exhibitionism Disorder
Exhibitionism is a mental disorder in which the individual has a compulsion to display one's genitals to a stranger ("Mental Disorders", n.d.).