People and Food
Essay by review • December 13, 2010 • Essay • 1,999 Words (8 Pages) • 1,296 Views
People are for the most part clueless when it comes to food. God forbid you might actually cook something at home. Have you ever noticed the size of the frozen food sections at grocery stores? They are fucking huge! Throwing a pizza pocket in the microwave is NOT cooking. I constantly see people with their shopping carts overflowing with yummy frozen goodness. LAZY FUCKS!! Included in that demographic are those who rely on the food delivery industry. Ther isn't much you can't have brought right to your front door these days. I have a neighbor who I would bet has food delivered at least four days a week. How lazy can you get?! I guess it has a lot to do with how you are brought up. If your parents sucked at cooking oe pumped you full of frozen dinners I guess you would probably do the same as an adult.
I find it interesting what people believe to be "fine dining". Outback, Olive Garden, RED FUCKING LOBSTER??!! "We are taking mom out for her birthday, someplace nice, how about Red Lobster?" Are you fucking kidding me?! That place has some of the worst food I have ever had the displeasure of consuming! I am NOT a picky eater and the only thing I can manage to eat there are the little cheasy bisquit thingys. What is the draw of that place?! I don't get it. Anyone who thinks that place is good was raised in a bubble and never given the chance to have any real food. At least the menu at Outback and the "OG" are somewhat edible. The problem is people actually perceive these places as "fine dining" FUCK THAT!! It's overpriced mediocre crap that you can get by pulling off of any friggin off ramp in the country. I think that's part of the draw, it's a safety net of sorts. People don't want to risk trying someplace new so they go with what they already know. Come on people get some balls! In the City I live in we have a small hole in the wall steak house that has been around forever. It has received awards from Sunset magazine for the quality of their steaks. One day I'm in line at a local grocery store. The people in front of me ask the checker to recommend a place to get a good steak in town. She says "go to Outback they are great" I was thinking to myself "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT LADY!!!!" So I say "what about Jack's?" she says "well I've lived here for twenty years and have never been able to get into Jacks because the wait is always so long" REALLY?! WHY DO YOU FUCKING SUPPOSE THAT IS LADY?! (didn't say that but I was thinking it) so I caught up with the people outside . "If you don't mind waiting a bit there is a place downtown called Jacks. they make a true, aged quality steak that will be one of the best you've ever had, I guarantee.
Since I'm on the beef subject. My wife waits tables at a fairly nice restaurant
attached to a hotel just off the freeway. She mentioned something to me the other day that freaked me out. She has had people come in and order prime rib. Nothing unusual about that right? Well apparently she had a customer who ordered it well done then proceeded to smother the thing in ketchup!!?? What the fuck!? If you are just gonna smear ketchup on it get a fucking burger you freak!! That's like buying a new Ferrari and painting it neon green with pink fucking polka dots!! Sure you CAN do it, but WHY IN THE FUCK WOULD YOU?!!!
Continuing with the steak themeÐ'.....most people have no idea how to cook a steak. I'm not claiming to be a chef who spent years in culinary school. I've just eaten and cooked a lot of friggin steaks and have figured some shit out along the way. First off, if you start with a decent cut of meat that is nice and thick (1 Ð'Ð... inches or thicker) that's half the battle. If you use a good cut there is no reason to slather a bunch of crap all over it. Onion salt, lemon pepper, garlic salt etc. etc. Just heat up your grill, as hot as you can get it, gas or charcoal. Once it's nice and hot put a little olive oil all over the steaks then sprinkle them generously with KOSHER salt. Don't do it hours in advance but ten or fifteen minutes before you throw them on the grill. Place each staek on the grill at a slight angle to start your grill marks the proper way. Cook for about one and a half minutes and rotate (not flip) 90 deg. To finish the nice diamond grill marks. Cook another minute and a half then flip the steaks and repeat the process. Now pull the steaks off the grill and let them rest at least ten minutes before you hack into them. This will keep the juices sealed inside and allow the steak to cook just a little more from the residual heat. I guarantee you will have a tasty piece of cow flesh my friend!!
I'm amazed at how people will not pay attention when they are ordering food. I was at one of the usual over by the mall neon light emblazoned burger joints (you know the type) Some lady sitting at the bar orders