Personal Values Development
Essay by review • December 22, 2010 • Research Paper • 1,759 Words (8 Pages) • 1,996 Views
Personal values are the genuine beliefs and feelings that one donate. Deliberately, they develop into our ideals. A value is a faith, a duty, or the beliefs that is significant. Whether ones are deliberately conscious of them or not, every person has a core set of personal values. Values can variety from the ordinary, such as the belief in working hard and promptness, to the more mental, such as independence, distress for others, and concord of idea.
"When we examine the lives of famous people, we often see how personal values guided them, propelling them to the top of their fields. For example, one actor was motivated by his commitment to social justice, which led to important acting roles related to that value that made him world famous. Likewise, a well-known business CEO was motivated by the personal value that technology should be easy to use, which caused his company to spawn a technology revolution. Whatever one's values, when we take them to heart and implement them in the smallest details of our lives, great accomplishment and success are sure to follow."(Posner, 2006)
Conversely, personal values can arrive from environment that we live in but it is how each individual receives information. For example, I have been very successful in accomplishing my goals, although my brothers have not been successful in their aspirations. When it comes to me setting my goals to achieve something, I must do research on the subject and learn every about the subject before I can take on the subject. When my brothers get an ideal, they jump face first and end up losing money. We grow-up in the same household but everyone receive information different.
"Ethical behavior relies on more than good character. Although good upbringing may provide a kind of moral compass that can help the individual determine the right direction and then follow through on a decision to do the right thing, it's certainly not the only factor determining ethical conduct. In today's highly complex organizations, individuals need additional guidance. They can be trained to recognize the ethical dilemmas that are likely to arise in their jobs; the rules, laws, and norms that apply in that context; reasoning strategies that can be used to arrive at the best ethical decision; and an understanding of the complexities of organizational life that can conflict with one's desire to do the right thing. (Nelson, K., 2004)
However, knowing ones values can help one makes better choices of situations. Individuals who do not know their values tend to stroll around, rebounding from one thing to another, trying to find themselves.
Knowing one's values helps one:
Ð'* Pursue an obvious set of rules and guidelines for ones actions. One is less likely to take the easy way out or follow after short-term gains at the cost of one's long-term goals
Ð'* Make appropriate decisions. One will promptly know what good choices are for one and what are not.
Ð'* Discover well-matched individuals, location, and articles that sustain one's way of living.
Where do our values come from? Some values are inherited. Several values are learned from our parents, teachers, and other influential people in our life. Reading and watching TV and from school experiences are values which is learned. One's value also mirror the values of the where one live. However, they mirror our generation, for instance, the group of individuals born about the same year. Therefore, values last a life span. At the same time as, values may endure some alteration throughout the years, they are quite established.
As I examined my personal values, it has come to my attention that my successful goals were achieved through my personal values. Faith of these beliefs has helped me choices the best options on any given situations or decision making in my social, educational and professional life.
Ð'* Like the saying "What comes around goes around", I am firm believer of this quote. When we perform good or bad acts toward others, eventually, these acts will reward or haunt us. This lesson was learned through my personal experiences. You should treat people the way you want to be treated.
Ð'* When keeping promises displays our "True Inner Self." It demonstrates whether or not we have weak-willed or honorable morals inside of us. Reliability, Honor, Self-respect and Honesty means everything to individuals. However, keeping one's word truly is important to me as a person. A broken promise indicates a broken trust and relationship. Trust and respect as well as one's honor are the foundation of a successful relationship. I believe I should keep my word to others as well! This lesson was still in me from the reading of my bible and mother.
Ð'* When performing any task it should be done with 100% of oneself. This action proves that you are giving your all in whatever you do. This lesson was learned from one of my favorite teacher.
Ð'* Any able individual living in a house should have job. This is the way my mother raised me. My first job was at the age of 14 through the summer program in District of Columbia and I had a job ever since. And to this day I am passing this value onto my children.
Ð'* One's body is a temple and one should worship it like a temple. Smoking cigarette, drinking alcohol and using illegal drug basically damage the body. Nourishing my body with the right fuel is imperative to me. The body and brain work together. Ones body requires a good support system for the mind and spirit. If I take excellent care of it, this body can take me anywhere I desire to go, with the power, strength, energy and vivacity I will need to get there.
Ð'* However, stealing from others is a dreadful act. Taking articles, ideals, and people occurs on a daily basis. Starting at a younger age, most children attempt stealing at least once; but how a parent responds to the child's stealing typically concludes whether or not the conduct is repeated. Some parents may believe that the article was unimportant and not worth truly talking to the child about his act. Stealing frequently turns into a habit and as friend pointed out nobody starts out stealing cars. I believe no matter how small or worthless an article, if it does not belong to you it is stealing. Sharing my present around trustworthy people is a preference.
Ð'* Paying one's bill is another vital valuable quality of an individual. In order to survive in this world bills must be paid. When bills are not paid the creditors will disconnect the service they provide you. Sometime situations occur when bills can not be paid, for instance lost