Police Brutality
Essay by lagitgamin . • January 24, 2018 • Research Paper • 3,267 Words (14 Pages) • 1,271 Views
As of now we experience a daily reality such that has developed to a state where regardless of what race, religion, or sexual orientation we have learned to accept each other and progress as equals. However things were not generally like this before women were being considered only as tools, having no rights or say into anything that goes on. Blacks too were not conceded any sort of right or to be put in a position of power however instead were sent into servitude being utilized for work, assaulted and mishandled. The world we live in today I can't say has completely disposed of such“views” for individuals in any case we have unquestionably advanced and developed to the point where a woman can not only vote but be put in a position of power as well. A black man or woman can freely walk down the street as an equivalent to somebody who is white. They have the privilege to possess their own particular property and even acquire a top of the line position in a working field. For example, a head doctor or surgeon in a hospital. However the thing is that nobody has ever truly addressed how such things come have about.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, protects applicants and employees from discrimination in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral, and other aspects of employment, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), or national origin. Religious discrimination includes failing to reasonably accommodate an employee’s religious practices where the accommodation does not impose undue hardship.”
Take this law for example, this was not just simply conceded. Individuals such as
Martin Luther King, JFK, Malcolm X and casualties like Rodney King for example have
experience and numerous progressing challenges that have conceded us the
rights that we have today and as a result of them such a law was voted and settled
upon. The question that I believe must be asked is, despite the fact that we've moved
past and fairly formed together as a race, how can it be that African American human
rights are still ceaselessly abused and violated despite how accomplished we are when
both races work together in one society?. The police ruthlessness and racial profiling
that minorities confront every day is presently starting to turn into the greatest
developing social injustice that we are as of now facing(John.P 2017). Is such an issue
truly nullified? absolutely not. Have we completely disposed of the past segregation and
conditions? its vast majority. Obviously the vast majority would say yes cause who
wouldn't? blacks have "All that they could ask for.", " They are dealt with similarly.",
"They are in no harm and is treated the same as everyone else.", in any case I can't
help disagreeing. Blacks are as of now beginning to face the danger of people who are
empowered by the government(Law enforcement officers).
Day by day blacks have been wrongfully harmed or wrongfully charged for a
wrongdoing that they possibly have not done all for the sake of “justice” that they
preach. Casualties by the names of Rodney King, Tanisha Anderson, Eric Garner,
Dontre Hamilton, Alton Sterling have all experienced police misconduct. These are just
a small bunch of individuals who have shockingly lost their lives(With the special case
of Rodney King) by the hands of an officer who has utilized excessive and over the top
Force that was legitimized through unethical thinking.(John.P, 2017)
On March.3rd 1991, a man by the name of Rodney King was ruthlessly beaten by 4
officers. He was tased, hit with a baton, punched, kicked, stepped on, while roughly 9
different officers basically just watched. He was just beat for reasons unknown. He was
not resisting arrest nor harming the officers. The main thing that you can clearly see
however is that in the matter of why they choose to harm the innocent, was that he was
dark and they were all white.(Staff of findingdulcinea.com, 2017)
On June 2015, a woman by the name of Tanisha Anderson unfortunately lost her life
in a restraint by various officers. Records demonstrate that she was diagnosed with
a bipolar disorder as well as Paranoid Schizophrenia. While being restrained by the
officers in the city, the officers chose to crush her head on the asphalt WHILE she was
bound and well under control on the ground. Later that day she passed away in the
On July 14, 2014 a man by the name of Eric Garner was murdered in a police
restraint. He was being captured and was not resisting even though more than one
officer was used to restrain this man, yet one of the officers place Garner in an unlawful
stranglehold which prompt his demise. A witness video film demonstrated Garner plainly
stating "I cant breath" more than 9 times. Not just standing but when he was on the
ground being cuffed the officer still set him in the unlawful restraint.
On April 30th 2014, a man by the name of Dontre Hamilton was shot dead. the police
was called by workers in Starbucks saying that he was disturbing the peace. When a
officer arrived he had shot the man 14 times in “self defence”. Does it require 14 bullets
from a fully loaded weapon to stop one man?.
On July 6th 2016, a man by the name of Alton Sterling was shot dead at gunpoint
while being restrained by two officers. There is video footage and witnesses of this