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Portion from First Two Modules

Essay by   •  October 30, 2012  •  Essay  •  299 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,099 Views

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Portion from first two modules

Levels of Management, objectives, functions of Management. Efficiency and effectiveness , systems and contingency approach. Hawthorne Experiment, fourteen principles of Management given by Henry Fayol.Contribution of Max Weber, Gilbreth and Elton Mayo.

Organizing:steps in the process of organising? Delegation of Authority is required for effective management. Principles of organising, Centralisation, Decentralisation.Departmentalisation, types of departmentalisation. Types of organization, matrix organisation.advantages and disadvantages. Difference b/w Bureaucracy and Adhocracy.

Leadership: various theories of leadership, different leadership styles? Managerial Grid as developed by Blake and Mouton?

Morale: meaning of morale. Causes of low morale? How can it be improved?

Motivation: Definition of motivation, importance, types, theories (Maslow's Need Hierarchy theory, Herzberg's Motivation theory, Theory X and Theory Y and Vroom expectancy theory) motivation techniques and types of motivation.

Communication:meaning of communication, barriers to effective communication, principles of effective communication, important communication networks at work- oriented groups

Staffing: Meaning of Staffing, Job Analysis, induction, Human Resource Management. Difference between selection and recruitment.Difference between 'Reference checking' and 'Background Investigation?'Internal and External sources of Recruitment?Methods of performance appraisal. Manpower planning and training development .360 degree P A?

Co-ordination and control: difference between coordination and cooperation? Two types of techniques in control (Modern and traditional)Principle of Early Beginning, Inventory Control, Quality Control, Pareto Analysis, Statistical Process Control. Types of control. Differentiate between PERT and CPM. Benchmarking, Gantt Charts? Concept of Quality Circles and control. Give its process and limitations Break-Even Analysis? Illustrate the different techniques of control process in an organisation. Budgetary control is an important tool of control in the hands of management". Explain. What is ratio analysis? Describe some important ratios used by organisations for the



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