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Postitive Influence of Rock Music

Essay by   •  December 18, 2010  •  Research Paper  •  2,731 Words (11 Pages)  •  1,991 Views

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Positive Influences of Rock Music

Beneath misconceptions attached to rock music, lies the truth. In a recent unpublished survey, results showed that the majority of people, a mixture of different age groups and genre listeners, disagree that rock music has had any positive influences that outweigh the negative (Do). Through lack of analyzing, many judge rock music without ever knowing the truth about it. Those that do not understand the genre may blame it for everything that is wrong with today. Rock music is not to blame for the darkness in our society; instead, it leads us away from it. It has many positive influences that cannot be seen at a quick glance. Not only has rock affected individuals but society and time altogether. Rock music has had positive influences that stretch across the messages it conveys, its therapeutic values, the media, race, and gender.

Rock music is a powerful tool, fueled by the positive messages it carries. Suicide is one of the many problems that society has to deal with. Among the different age groups, teenagers are the most prone to suicide. It happens to be the age group in which rock music appeals to most. Having music filled with positive messages proves to be very useful. Some rock acts have chosen to write positive songs because they understand how influential their songs can be. After receiving an overwhelming amount of letters from suicidal teens, the band, Good Charlotte, wrote and released a song entitled 'Hold On'. The song and video conveys an anti-suicidal message directed at those thinking about it. As stated in the chorus of their song, "Hold on, if you feel like letting go. Hold on, it gets better than you know" (Good Charlotte). Powerful messages can be translated through the medium and they understood the positive effects their music could have. Embracing the concept, they may have saved many lives.

In contrast, many will argue that it there are many dark messages in rock music and may blame it for the unfortunate events leading to the Columbine high school shootings. Instead of addressing plain ignorance, hatred, or access to guns, American society is "preferring to blame America's various genres of youth-oriented music such as heavy metal and gothic-oriented rock for the Colorado high school murders" (Lentini). A statement gaining credit only because the teenagers involved happened to listen to rock music. Strong statements that overlook the millions of teenagers out there that listen to rock music and still properly participate in society.

Rock music also has a great amount of therapeutic value. It has proven to be a useful emotional outlet, reducing stress and other emotions. Personal experience illustrates how rock music can help drown out the world or provide a soundtrack to a good time. Many confide in rock music for their emotional needs that they cannot find anywhere else. There is a comfort when listening to a song about your specific problem, seeking the understanding that somebody else is feeling the exact same way. The content in rock music tackles many other relatable subjects such as depression, anger, and excitement. The ability to take refuge in the genre has helped with the coping of everyday life.

The positive effects of rock music does not limit itself to individuals, but can also be applied as a tool. Bruce Springsteen is known to donate money from his concerts to various causes, he also asks his audiences to participate in local food projects (Lovitt). Willie Nelson has also organized and played concerts to help the struggling farmers of America. A few years ago, a rock concert was held for the victims of the 9/11 attacks. Former Beatles member, Sir Paul McCartney, led the beneficial concert. After just five weeks of planning, the concert raised up to $14 million ("Paul McCartney"). A preview of how rock music has influenced positively.

Rock and roll also provides an exposure to different views. Through rock, people are opened to different ideas and issues that may be overlooked otherwise. Politics are one of the many different views rock music can open a person to. System of a Down, a successful and influential rock band recite in 'Boom!', one of their newest songs:

"Modern globalization, coupled with condemnations, unnecessary death, matador corporations, puppeting your frustrations, with the blinded flag, manufacturing consent, is the name of the game, the bottom line is money, nobody gives a f***. 4000 hungry children die per hour, from starvation, while billions spent on bombs, create death showers" (System of a Down).

Bands such as System of a Down are often charged with lyrics depicting their political views in the world they live in. Rage Against the Machine similarly expressed their views through rock music. They have been known to burn flags at their concerts, not to be malicious, but to make their audience aware of freedom of speech and self-expression. Many have followed suit and become more involved with politics through bands like these, showing them that it is okay to be educated in the issues around them. Recently with a push from punk bands, many have taken initiative to vote and get educated in the 2004 elections. Punk rock bands joined together to start a website to further influence and educate their audience called Although they were biased and stated so, their main goal was also made clear. "Our goal is to educate, register and mobilize over 500,000 of today's youth as one voice. We plan to use this election as a way to get our fans engaged in politics and evolve our movement into becoming involved locally to affect real change nationally"( The merging of rock bands and politics is not a new fad or wave; earlier acts such as U2, Bruce Springsteen, the Clash, and Bob Dylan have all laid the foundation for the integration of the two.

Bob Dylan was made famous for his political songs and messages. He was involved in Civil Rights marches and held many benefit concerts going toward causes such as peace in Vietnam. Without such involvement in politics, many would not know as much about it, if any at all. Rock music provides a way to get the message out to millions of people at a time, changing the way people view their world around them and influence them to take action.

The genre has helped shape what we see on the media today, specifically television. What some may see as demoralizing, others will see as liberating. Moving away from the shackles of outdated restraints, rock music has helped the movement of media liberation towards a freedom in television that we have only now begun to experience. Elvis Presley was among those early acts that pushed the envelope on what was appropriate for television. During



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