Presentation Skills
Essay by Dee man • October 24, 2015 • Coursework • 444 Words (2 Pages) • 1,008 Views
Harborough develops is a residential company that targets small development projects, which include a new development of 150 homes in the village of Deaconsbank in east Lothian which the resident have supported the plan.
DEACONSBANK Residents Are worried about many things about the planned expansion of the village, which in my opinion, there are two types of presentation methods that will be helpful to inform the residents and also answer their question in a large group and one by one:
Types of presentations:
Electronic Software - PowerPoint: this method will be useful to inform a large group of 100 to 150 people were the speaker can move around the ballroom to answer questions and also show some information relating to landscaping and boundary issues, this type of presentation will be used at the beginning.
Objects and models of the village: this method will be helpful to show the design of the planned expansion of the village how it will look with the current buildings style, also will show any access and road improvements to the village, plus this will be helpful for residents will ask the developers any questions.
Reason for choosing:
The reason for choosing these method because they were the best method for the audiences type who are looking for information like the planned expansion will effect the house prices which can be shown by using PowerPoint. And also will show different advantages and outlook of the project.
The audiences
The audiences will be the residents of Deaconsbank who are supporting the planned project but they need for information and they have questions and concerns about the project. The presentation will be informal.
The structure of the presentation
The presentation will begin by informing the guests about the company that will work on the project, and then will show some pictures as how the project when it ends will look like, plus the PowerPoint will show advantages of the project to the village like rise in land value, more customers for the local businesses.
After the power point, questions and answers will begin using microphones.
Then the 3D model of the village will be shown.