Priscilia Castillo Case
Essay by priscilla8585 • December 17, 2014 • Essay • 807 Words (4 Pages) • 1,555 Views
Personal Dilemma
Priscilia Castillo
CJA / 324
December 10, 2014
John Hullar
Personal Dilemma
Our world today is full of diversity, in where ethical dilemmas, morals plays a big part in life. Today we live in a world that every individual has the right to freedom of speech, the equal opportunity to express him or herself, basicilty the freedom of everything. In other words if we have the right of freedom why is it a concern or an ethical dilemma issue when others try to improve of change their lives. Dilemma can be defined as, "a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones" (Merriam-Webster). In September 2012, an ethical dilemma started to raise some concerns because the first womb transplants experiments were being done in Sweden (Womb transplants raise ethical concerns, 2014).
The nature of the dilemma
The dilemma started when nine women received womb transplants from womb donates of their relatives. These nine women were aware it was an experimental test. According to Womb transplants raise ethical concerns, 2014, "The transplants have ignited hope among women unable to have children". Some of the women were born with a uterus, known as, "Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH). In this syndrome the vagina is absent (or very short) and the uterus is absent or extremely rudimentary" (MRKH Surgeons, 2014). Or had it but was removed due to cervical cancer and or any other medical illness. Many argue that it is unethical to be doing experimental test on live donors.
The ethical decision made
The ethical decision made was to used live wombs, simply because if we used live organs like the hearts, kidneys and the liver, why can't we use wombs. According to an ethical decision is," pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct, being in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, especially the standards of a profession". That's why many think it wrong what the doctors are doing by womb transplants. It is a morality wrong others that see it wrong when today in society one can a adopt a child, contact a surrogate mother to have a child. But what many don't know or understand that some of these women where born with no wombs or had it removed at a young age and what to experiment the change to become pregnant.
Alterative courses of action and why
It is complicated to understand and decide what other actions or methods the Sweden doctors could of made these nine women become pregnant and not of causes everyone