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Production Process Improvement, Planning and Standardization

Essay by   •  August 16, 2015  •  Research Paper  •  5,200 Words (21 Pages)  •  1,492 Views

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Project Report


“Production Process Improvement, Planning and Standardization”


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In the Partial Fulfillment of Summer Internship


Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Engineering (PGDIE)


Kartheek Perala (Roll NO: 1401039)


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Under the guidance of:

     Prof. Rakesh D Raut        Natasha Tuli

Assistant Professor                                                            Cofounder, CEO

  NITIE, Mumbai.                                                              Soulflower.



    This is to certify that Mr. Kartheek Perala student of Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Engineering (PGDIE), 44th batch of National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai has completed his summer project on

“Production Process Improvement, Planning and Standardization”


The project was successfully taken up under my guidance and supervision from 1st April, 2015 to 30th May, 2015 and his contribution to our organization is highly appreciated.

I hereby convey my best wishes to him for all his future endeavors.

Natasha Tuli

Co-Founder, CEO



    This is to certify that Mr. Kartheek Perala student of Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Engineering (PGDIE), 44th batch of National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai has completed his summer project on

“Production Process Improvement, Planning and Standardization”


The project was successfully taken up under my guidance and supervision from 1st April, 2015 to 30th May, 2015. His hard work is highly appreciated.

I hereby convey my best wishes to him for all his future endeavors.

Prof. Rakesh D Raut

Assistant Professor

Faculty Guide

NITIE, Mumbai.


This is to certify that the project entitled as “Production Process Improvement, Planning and Standardization” , has been carried out by me at “SOULFLOWER, Mumbai” under the guidance of Prof. Rakesh D. Raut (Assistant Professor, NITIE, Mumbai) & Natasha Tuli (Cofounder, CEO, SOULFLOWER, Mumbai) from 1st April, 2015 to 30th May, 2015.

Based on the professional work done by me, I am submitting this report for the partial fulfillment of the Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Engineering (PGDIE) at National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai.

This report has not been published and submitted to any other institute or university.

Kartheek Perala

PGDIE 44, Section A

Roll No 1401039

NITIE, Mumbai.


I take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to SOULFLOWER for offering a unique platform to earn exposure and garner knowledge in the field of operations and supply chain.

I wish to extend my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to my guide Natasha Tuli, who guided, supported and encouraged me during the entire tenure of the project for her co-operation and valuable advice throughout the course of my project.

I am able to say with conviction that I have immensely benefited from auspicious and prestigious association as a summer intern with Soulflower.

I deeply thank Prof. Rakesh D Raut, my faculty guide, who inspired me by his discussions and showed me the right course to pursue.

I also wish to thank all people in the Head Office and the Supply Chain Office for their constant support and help in accomplishing the objectives of the project.

There are many who I may have left out in the acknowledgement, but whose co-operation, no doubt went a long way in the project completion.

Kartheek Perala

PGDIE 44, Section A

Roll No 1401039

NITIE, Mumbai.

Executive Summary

The perfect supply chain operations involve adequate flow of material/goods. This continuous flow is from supplier through production to consumer. This supply chain department has to keep coordination in between various departments to maintain the perfect planning and controlled material flow. It takes care of production planning, supply and the deployment together with the other responsibility and thus has to be concerned with the other responsibilities and thus has to be concerned with the planning for safety stocks at plants and the warehouses so that they can have the flexibility and optimality in the approach.

There is only one manufacturing unit along with head office in Mumbai. There are 7 distribution warehouses all over India, 2 in each Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore, 1 in Kolkata which supports logistic operations in 150 towns. With this network and uncertainty in demand a perfect production plan is required considering safety stocks to avoid stock outs.

The project is to suggest improvements in the production process to increase productivity and prepare a production plan considering past sales using appropriate forecasting method.



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