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Papers on "Pro-Choice on Abortion" and similar term paper topics:
Paper #063474 :: Pro-Choice on Abortion - Buy and instantly download this paper now
An opinion paper which argues for the pro-choice aspect of abortion.
2,285 words, 5 sources, MLA, $ 61.95 USD
Paper Summary:
This paper begins with an overview on the definition of abortion. Second, the demographics of which groups of women have abortions are discussed. Finally, the reasons why a pro-choice stance on abortion is the correct stance is provided. Outline: Introduction Abortion Defined Who Has Abortions Support for the Pro-Choice Alternative Pro-Choice and Instances of Rape Pro-Choice and Instances of Incest Pro-Choice and Illegal and Unsafe Abortions Pro-Choice and Medically Risky Pregnancies Pro-Choice and Poverty Pro-Choice and Drug Abusers Pro-Choice and a Woman's Right to Life, Liberty and Freedom Pro-Choice and Both Sides of the Political Fence Pro-Choice and Religious Freedom Conclusion
From the Paper:
"It is the status of the fetus that appears to be at the center of the controversy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, an "embryo is clearly pre-human; only the mystical notions of religious dogma treat this clump of cells as constituting a person" (Peikoff). And, with this infliction of religious beliefs on others, as mentioned earlier, begins the slippery slope to infringing on others religious freedom."
Keywords: religion fetus rape incest life
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