Psychosocial Examinination in Schizophrenia
Essay by review • November 14, 2010 • Essay • 1,883 Words (8 Pages) • 1,677 Views
This research paper examines the cinematic biographical adaptation of musical child prodigy David Helfgott. The paper will examine Helfgott during the following four stages of psychosocial development based on the psychosocial theory of Erik Erikson: Middle childhood (6-12), Early adolescence (12-18), Later adolescence (18-24) and Middle adulthood (34-60). Erik Erikson was a psychoanalyst who described development as a series of eight psychosocial stages. At each stage there are development tasks to master and a central conflict that the individual can resolve positively or negatively. The nature of the task mastered and the conflict resolution depends largely on the individuals relationship with others and through the individual's own choices. The examination of David Helfgott will reveal a negative outcome resulting from his apparent Schizophrenia. The paper will provide a five-axis diagnosis, hypothetical explanation of the Schizophrenia origin and finally treatment considerations.
Middle childhood: Industry versus Inferiority
During this stage, children make the transition from the world of the home to that of school and peers. Children learn to make things, use tools, and acquire the skills to be a worker and a potential provider. This is also the first time that children receive feedback from outsiders about their accomplishments. If children can discover pleasure in intellectual stimulation, being productive, seeking success, they will develop a sense of competence. If they are not successful or cannot discover pleasure in the process, they may develop a sense of inferiority and feelings of inadequacy that may haunt them throughout life.
In summary, Helfgott appears to have no childhood friends. He is depicted as being close to his siblings. His authoritative father, Peter Helfgott who controls his daily interaction, shadows Helfgott. School age Helfgott displays concrete operations by playing complicate piano pieces and playing chess. Helfgott displays skilled learning by seeking competence and mastery over music. Helfgott self-evaluation revolves around what his father thinks what is important. Helfgott was never depicted participating in team sports. Helfgott addresses the psychosocial crisis of industry versus inferiority by striving to be an accomplished pianist. The central process of education is continuous through his music teacher and coaching by his father to always be a winner. HelfgottÐŽ¦s prime adapt ego quality of competence reference a general belief in oneÐŽ¦s ability to get the job done Helfgott does not get the job done. HelfgottÐŽ¦s core pathology of inertia, which references a paralysis of thought, and action that prevents productive work Helfgott appears to be passive. He is alone by the events that occur around him. Helfgott appears to be a normal but he is actually being sustained by his father and music teacher who place energy, enthusiasm or confidence inside of him to take action.
Adolescence: Identity versus Role Confusion
During adolescence, we ask ourselves, "Who am I? Who do I want to be?" Answering these questions involves integrating the healthy resolution of all earlier stages. Adolescents must explore, test limits, become autonomous from parents, and commit to an identity, or sense of self. One can only establish an identity after trying out various roles, behaviors, and ideologies. Failure to achieve a sense of identity results in role confusion, an inability to make decisions and choices about vocation, sexual orientation, and one's role in life.
HelfgottÐŽ¦s stature in relation to his age appears normal his complexion pale, his face young-looking for chronological age. His facial expressions appear quizzical with a sheepish grin his eyes darting and hair style unremarkable. Helfgott formal operations appeared to be developing based off his musical ability. The six characteristics of formal operational thought are met. He has the ability to manipulate mentally more than two categories of musical variables simultaneously. He has the ability to think about the changes that come with time for example going to school in America. He has the ability to hypothesize logical sequences of events for example he was able to predict that musical instruction in America would lead to a fuller life. Helfgott had the ability to foresee the consequences of actions for instance, he realized that if he stayed in Australia and turned down instruction in America that certain career possibilities will be closed to him. HelfgottÐŽ¦s had the ability to detect logical consistency and inconsistency in statements made by his father. Example Peter Helfgott, HelfgottÐŽ¦s father, told him he would be with him for every, you can not trust anyone and music will always by your friend. Helfgott understood death, he understood friendship and music is only alive when he plays. HelfgottÐŽ¦s ability to think in relative terms about self, others and the world is displayed by Helfgott behaving in a culturally acceptable manner for a young pianist prodigy makes him social acceptable. HelfgottÐŽ¦s emotional development appeared victimized by his over bearing father. HelfgottÐŽ¦s sexual relationships appeared nonexistent but it was indicated that he was heterosexual and shy with females like most adolescent males. Helfgott membership in a peer group was never depicted accept for brief words with other musical competition participants. HelfgottÐŽ¦s psychosocial crisis of group identity versus alienation concludes premature. Helfgott simply joined with other musicians a group he had always been associated. He is alienated by stopping is social experimentation. He now has no bounder between adolescents and young adulthood. The outcome for Helfgott is poor social skills.
Young Adulthood: Intimacy versus Isolation
During this stage, the young adult must learn how to form intimate relationships, both in friendship and love. The successful completion of this developmental task relies on the resolution of earlier stages. For example, it may be difficult to establish intimacy if you haven't developed a basic sense of trust or a sense of identity. Young adults must learn how to develop intimate relationships with other adults. The alternative is alienation, isolation, a fear of commitment, and an inability to depend on others.
Helfgott is depicted as