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Quake 3

Essay by   •  November 21, 2010  •  Study Guide  •  1,152 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,414 Views

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// generated by quake, do not modify


bind TAB "+scores"

bind ENTER "ut_zoomin"

bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"

bind SPACE "+moveup"

bind + "sizeup"

bind - "sizedown"

bind / "ut_radio 5 1 Enemy Spotted @ $crosshair"

bind 0 "weapon 10"

bind 1 "ui_selectteam"

bind 2 "ui_selectgear"

bind 3 "weapon 3"

bind 4 "weapon 4"

bind 5 "weapon 5"

bind 6 "weapon 6"

bind 7 "weapon 7"

bind 8 "weapon 8"

bind 9 "weapon 9"

bind = "sizeup"

bind [ "UT_RADIO 9 9 Thanks Bitch"

bind "+button6"

bind ] "UT_RADIO 3 3 Medic!! im $health"

bind _ "sizedown"

bind ` "toggleconsole"

bind a "ui_selectteam"

bind d "+moveright"

bind m "+mlook"

bind s "ui_selectgear"

bind t "messagemode"

bind v "messagemode4"

bind w "+forward"

bind x "ut_radio 3 3 touch my peepee"

bind ~ "toggleconsole"

bind PAUSE "pause"

bind UPARROW "+forward"

bind DOWNARROW "+back"

bind LEFTARROW "+moveleft"

bind RIGHTARROW "+moveright"

bind ALT "+strafe"

bind CTRL "+button7"

bind SHIFT "weapon 1"

bind INS "ut_itemuse"

bind DEL "+speed"

bind PGDN "ut_itemdrop"

bind HOME "ui_radio"

bind END "ut_weapdrop"

bind F1 "vote yes"

bind F2 "vote no"

bind F3 "ui_teamorders"

bind F5 "ut_radio 3 3 touch my peepee cuz im $health"

bind F6 "say $crosshair $location $health $weapon $clips $bullets"

bind F7 "ut_radio 9 3 what the fuck you fucking moron"

bind F11 "screenshot"

bind KP_END "+button8"

bind KP_DOWNARROW "+button3"

bind KP_INS "+movedown"

bind MOUSE1 "+attack"

bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"

bind MOUSE3 "+button5"

bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext"

bind MWHEELUP "weapprev"

seta com_hunkMegs "64"

seta com_maxfps "95"

seta com_blood "1"

seta com_introplayed "1"

seta in_midi "0"

seta in_midiport "1"

seta in_midichannel "1"

seta in_mididevice "0"

seta in_mouse "1"

seta in_logitechbug "0"

seta in_joystick "0"

seta in_joyBallScale "0.02"

seta joy_threshold "0.15"

seta vm_cgame "2"

seta vm_game "2"

seta vm_ui "2"

seta sv_hostname "SALAMI SERVER TDM 3.0"

seta sv_punkbuster "0"

seta sv_maxRate "8000"

seta sv_minPing "0"

seta sv_maxPing "0300"

seta sv_floodProtect "1"

seta sv_master2 ""

seta sv_master3 ""

seta sv_master4 ""

seta sv_master5 ""

seta sv_lanForceRate "1"

seta sv_strictAuth "0"

seta cl_yawspeed "140"

seta cl_pitchspeed "140"

seta cl_maxpackets "30"

seta cl_packetdup "1"

seta cl_run "1"

seta sensitivity "2"

seta cl_mouseAccel ".2"

seta cl_freelook "1"

seta cl_allowDownload



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