Essay by review • December 23, 2010 • Research Paper • 4,003 Words (17 Pages) • 1,898 Views
Rastafarianism is a religion that was created in the early 1900 due to the social and poor economic conditions of Black people in Jamaica. The primary founders were Marcus Garvey, Prince Ras Tafari Makonnen also known Emperor Haile Selassie I (Power of the Trinity) and Leonard Howell. The Rastafarian religious and political movement has come under great scrutiny by society because of its beliefs and traditions. They have been referred to as a violent cult not only in Jamaica but also in America and Canada, where many of the members and sympathizers have migrated. In my opinion these myths are not accurate and I believe this religion in no different than any other religion of today.
The followers of Rastafarianism believe that Haile Selassie the former Emperor of Ethiopia, is the Black Messiah who appeared in the flesh for the redemption of all Blacks exiled in the White oppressors. The movement views Ethiopia as the Promise Land. The group has no individual leadership. Most of the members are men from thirty-five to fifty-five years old. Women play an important role in the Rastafarianism today, but the majority are followers of their husbands. In 1965 the membership was essentially lower class but this is o longer the case. The Rastafarians wee once considered “products of the slum” but Rastafarians now can be found among the middle class. They are found among the elite, some are students at the prestigious University of he West Indies and some are in the medical and legal professions and other upper-class occupations.
The Rastafarians have their roots teachings of Jamaican Black nationalist Marcus Garvey, who in 1930 preached a message of Black self-empowerment and initiated the “back to Africa” movement. This movement called for all Blacks to return to their ancestral home, specifically Ethiopia. Marcus Garvey taught self-reliance in Jamaica where he was born, as well as abroad and preached a “back to Africa Movement” consciousness. Marcus Garvey in 1920 said “look to Africa, when a Black king shall be crowned Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia and proclaimed “king of Kings’, lord of lords” and conquering lion of Tribe of Judah”. Haile Selassie claimed to be the direct descendant of King David, the 225th ruler in an unbroken line of Ethiopian kings from the time of Solomon and Sheba. He and his followers took great pride in being black and wanted to regain black heritage that was lost by Europeans going to Africa and unfairly spreading the African population throughout the world as a result, blacks were not able to organize themselves politically or express themselves socially. Their intellect had been stunted by continuous European oppression.
In the Rastafarian religion there are six main fundamental principles which are 1) Hatred for the white race for their past doings 2) The complete superiority of the black race 3) Revenge on whites for their wickedness 4) The negation, persecution and humiliation of the government and legal bodies of Jamaica 5) Preparation to go back to Africa and 6) Acknowledging Emperor Haile Selassie I as the supreme being and only ruler of black people. “Babylon” is a Rastafarian term for white political power structure that has been holding the black race down for centuries. In the past Rastas claim that blacks were held down physically by shackles of slavery. In the present, Rastas feel that blacks are still held down through poverty, illiteracy, inequality and trickery by the white man. The efforts of Rastafarianism are to attempt to remind blacks of their heritage and have them stand up against this Babylon. “I and I” is also a term Rastafarian use which is an expression to totalize the concept of oneness of two persons. This is saying Jah (the Rastafarian name for god) s within all of us, so plain and simply jah is in all man.
A substance which is very controversial but is of significance to Rastafarians is ganja (marijuana). To popular belief, pious Rastas do not smoke ganja recreationally, and some do not smoke it at all. Most Rastafarian teachers, though have advocated the controlled ritual smoking of “wisdom weed” for religious reasons or to aid in meditation. The use of this herb is very extensive among the Rastas, not only for spiritual reasons as their Reasoning which is when a group of Rastas meet and discus issues and other situations during this event they will light the chalice and pass it counterclockwise till everyone smokes, but also for medical purposes. The following are a few of the Biblical texts that Rastas embrace as reasons Jah gave for use of the “Holy Herb”.
• “…thou shalt eat the herb of the field.” (Genesis 3:18)
• “… eat every herb of the land.” (Exodus 10:12)
• “Better is a dinner of herb where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred there with.” (Proverbs 15:17)
• “He causeth the grass for the cattle, and herb for the service of man.” (Psalm 104:14)
True Rastas eat only I-tal food. This is unique food because it never touches chemicals and is completely natural. The food is cooked without salts, preservatives or condiments. Devoted Rastafarians therefore, are completely vegetarian. Drinking preferences rest with anything herbal, such as tea. Liquor, milk, coffee and soft drinks are viewed as unnatural. The dreadlocks on a Rasta’s head symbolize the Rasta roots and his strength, contrasting the straight, blond locks of the white men. Dreads do not only portray the Rastafarian heritage, but their adornment is supported in the Bible, “They shall not make boldness upon their head neither shall they shave off the corner of their bread, nor make any cutting in the flesh.” (Leviticus 21:5). The way the Rastas’ hair grows has come to represent the symbol of the Lion of Judah and commitment. Dreadlocks have come to depict rebellion of the system and the “proper” way to wear hair.
The Rastafarian Movement was a religious movement that accepted Haile Selassie I the former Emperor of Ethiopia as God incarnate, whom they called Jah. But before it was known as this it was referred to as the ideals of Marcus Garvey. During this movement large numbers of Rastafarian men were arrested and forced to cut of there dreads and also hundreds of Rastafarians were killed by civilians, police and other people who held high authority. The movement has had strong cultural social