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Relevance of Logic to Nation Building

Essay by   •  December 12, 2010  •  Essay  •  723 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,451 Views

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Logic (definition) is the art/science of good reasoning (arguments or inferences). Reasoning is a species or kind of thinking that aims at a conclusion. Thus good reasoning is thinking well that aims at a conclusion.(Aristotle: A horse is an animal. Therefore the head of a horse is the head of an animal.) Thus Logic is the study of arguments. More specifically, logic is the study of the criteria for distinguishing good arguments from bad arguments Logic is the study of propositions and their use in argumentation. Study of inference and argumentLogic is important because it delimits a class of problems which can reliably be solved by computers, and which therefore can be handed over to the global network for solution without human checking of the results or comprehension of the methods. It is a large class of problems, since it encompasses all mathematical problems, and also superficially non-logical problems in the fields of engineering and science, once necessary modeling assumpti...

Logic can only be relied upon when ALL relavent contributary facors affecting an outcome are included in the decision making process.

We can break society down in to different and often overlapping groups but the fact remains that each individual is different and will react differently to any policy of 'nation builders'.

In Nation Building we can only ever hope for 'best overall' effect. Sadly that 'best overal' can often be unseen by the voting populace.

1 week ago - Report Abuse

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by Answerer 1 1 week ago

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Answerer 2

logic is how you know that everyone will only do what you fore cast

the logic is how you know they are doing even if your not there with them

like if a person has something intheir hand and is seen at a certain store at a certain time you can know everything going on in the rest of the country right now

or the logic of handling thinggs that you dont know about uses logic

and thats where people believe their logic is the saME AS THE LOGIC IN EVERYTHING

1 week ago - Report Abuse

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by Answerer 2 1 week ago

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Answerer 3

Logic would suggest that a nation "built" by another would be in some manner thankful or beholden to it's... "patriarch?"

1 week ago - Report Abuse

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