Essay by review • February 3, 2011 • Study Guide • 1,328 Words (6 Pages) • 1,249 Views
Renaissance was initially dominated by Italy. It was a long important period in Europe history. It was a period for modern day development in humanity. As Byzantine collapse, Europe had grown rapidly.
Ð'* development of central political institution(class system)
Ð'* commercial economy(better educated and skilled)
Ð'* Lay patronage (as people became richer, they started to interest in themselves not the church, start paining based on one's needs)
Ð'* Discovery of the world (science)
Ð'* Discovery of man (philosophy, art)Ð'--influenced by Greeks (Plato and Aristotle)
Ð'* Birth of modern humanity today
Renaissance was a product of cities in Central and Northern Italy (Florence, Milan, and Venice) these cities were in the middle between the Mediterranean and The north (France); it was in the perfect location. Renaissance was able to trade with both places.
12th century, Europe was in the period of economic expansion and population growth. (More food- more population Ð'- economic expand Ð'- more work force Ð'- more money Ð'- spending on something beautiful to make your life complete)
13th century, Europe was overpopulated with high food cost but low wages. A 10%famine died. Europe needed people to die off becos overpopulated brings less resource so the 10% death was good but it's just a beginning of the decreasing of population.
1348-1398, The Black Death began in China and moved across Asia and Middle East.
14th century, the population of Europe had decreased by 40%. As a result, labor cost raises Ð'- food price drops Ð'- economic contraction. Italy remained an important industrial center so money flowed in. People that have survived from the Black Death had great life, lots of money. They started to import stuff from Italy. Also people started to make their life more beautiful by pay more attention through arts and architecture.
Renaissance Scholars were fascinated by Ancient Greeks and Roman Ideas. Humanists started to interest in people around you, not just look for God. Humanists focused on Philosophy, they moved away from the religion. The main objective were to find a way to guide human conduct without god (Where does right and wrong come from)
Humanists paid attention to classical study and classical antiquity which will be the guide of all cultural activity. Italy needed to find original text, Classical text was studied without any link to Christianity. They had to go to Constantinople to get all the Greeks and Roman knows ledges.
During Renaissance, Italian city states were divided into territorial states. Florence was one of the important states. It was ruled by Cosimo De' Medici, the head of banking family (super bad and rich). They corrupted and had absolute control in Florence. Cosimo was evil but brilliant as well, He controlled the government indirectly. After his death, the power passed to his grandson, Lorenzo De' Medici whose brother died in the mystery circumstance=( He spended a lot of money on beautifulness of Florence. People believed that he was a good guy. He became Lorenzo the Magnificent !!!! 1419, Medici were kicked out of the republic when French invaded. But in 1512, He returned to power with the help of Spain.
Niccolo Machiavelli, he believed in republic and democracy. He fought against foreign invaders. Although he favored a republic but he was fully aware of the dangers of all power being in the hand of just one strong ruler. He concerned whether the ruler would be ruthless enough to establish order and then be willing to train the people for self government. So He wrote "The Prince" the greatest book of Political Science, the book described how to be moral dictator, how can they make people scared and not questioning of dictator. The book was designed to give lessons to the ruler to create the authority and drive invaders away.
While the Italian Humanist was interested in discovering texts of Roman and Greek, the northern part were interested in discovering texts of Christian religion. The Northern humanists argue that Christianity must be based on the ancient texts instead of the poorly edited bible of St. Jerome.
Desiderius Erasmus, Dutch scholar and humanist, he was the chief interpreter for northern Europe. He was very negative about practices of church.
Ð'* He argued that the way church emphasized the rituals was wrong. Instead of giving money to the priest and let them discuss with god for you, you should get down on your knees and pray. God can hear, you need to have a spirit and believe in God.
Ð'* He also translated a new edition of Greek New Testament with LATIN Translation notes from St. Jerome's old version. Erasmus found that some key passages were not even actually in the Greek original. St. Jerome knew little about Greek so he wrote down his opinion. Erasmus created a brand new edition of bible which was more accurate and the best version of bible ever.
Ð'* He created the printing press which allows all church and everyone to have access to the best version of bible.
Ð'* He was a father of the reformation Ð'- Erasmus laid the egg that Luther hatched.
Martin Luther
Ð'* He argued that the bible is above all, only bible was unquestionably true.
Ð'* He thinks everyone has sin so some people have been selected to go to heaven already, someone that god trusted. No one can do nice thing in order to go to heaven. The only way is to have faith.
Ð'* Use printing press to spread the idea across Europe
Ð'* Translate New Greek testament into German, at this point every nation has access to Bible.
Ð'* Luther Reformation (Religious Revolution) introduces new church system.
Ð'* Pope power ended, local