Research Paper on U.S. Drug Trafficking
Essay by angelbaby • February 10, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,591 Words (7 Pages) • 1,363 Views
Research Paper on U.S. Drug Trafficking
ENG 122
June 6, 2012
In this research paper it will cover a lot of ground regarding the subject of drug trafficking in the United States. This is such an important subject because; it affects the safety of all that reside in this country. There are so many things that Drug trafficking cartels do that affects the everyday safety of the United States citizens. Statistics show that the leading cause to homicide is drugs. The drug cartels have grown so much over the past ten years, making it more difficult for the United States to stop the drugs from entering into its country. Not only are drugs coming to the U.S. by land but, the cartels have advanced so much that drugs are getting in the country by sea, and by air. The United States efforts don't seem to be able to keep up with the advancements being made by drug traffickers. In this paper it will cover all the ways that drugs are getting in into the U.S. in detail. There will be facts given by the research that has been conducted thus far. We will also cover the dangers that each of the ways present to the well being of the United States. The paper will cover which drugs are coming from which states, as well as their route of entrance into the United States. The intent is to teach other ways that drugs are getting trafficked into the United States. In conclusion, the findings will clearly show not only the dangers, but the need to teach prevention. This is not just a problem for the government. It is a problem for all of the United States
The first route of entrance that drugs have been making it into the United States from Mexico is by land. This has been a problem for the United States for many years, and even after this research paper is finished it will still be an ongoing problem. Drug Cartels will put drugs in all types of compartments of their cars. They will cross the border with drugs strapped to their body's, practically anything to get their drugs into the U.S. to make a profit. In this abstract it will tell you in detail what Drug Lord's are willing to do to get drugs through customs, and into the United States. It states "The main route of entrance for drug trafficking is by land, through Mexico. Mexico is one of the country's that border The United States. The border is a very broad area. It is a total of about 2,000 miles that are shared between the two countries that border one another. It is also the most frequently crossed international border in the world. With this being said, there is a lot of area to protect when it comes to drug trafficking between the two borders. In the United States there are lots of organizations set up to help with prevention of illegal drugs from entering into the state. Operation Gate Keeper is lead in California. It was started in September of 1994, while Clinton was president to prevent illegal drugs from entering and endangering citizens of the United States. There are other organizations to fight drug trafficking just like it. Not to mention the hard work of the United States Border Patrol, FBI, and CIA. Mexico has been the source of majority of the drug trafficking problems when it comes to drugs in the United States. Mexico's cartels are said to be the most dangerous of all the cartels in the world. Not only is it the most dangerous of the cartels, it also transports the most dangerous of the drugs. The types of drugs that are transported through Mexico are Cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, amphetamine, and marijuana. During the research that was conducted, there where several articles that stated clearly how dangerous this particular string of cartels are. This article states, "Nearly 500 people have been killed in Mexico's drug wars this year, according to media reports here, despite a crackdown on the illicit trade by President Felipe Calderon .The dead include dozens of police officers, the daughter of a retired army general, and a suspected cartel hit man in the northern city of Monterrey left with a knife sticking out of his chest and a message to local officials affixed to his body." (Hector, Tobar, March 24, 2012, Los Angeles Times, THE WORLD, Page A-5, Paragraph 1.) The abstract of this article alone shows the danger that is presented by the Mexico drug cartels. There is a long list of people that call themselves "Drug Lords." The danger that the string of crime presents to the United States is alarming. Not only do these Drug Lords trafficking drugs into the United States by land but they have found another way to get drugs here, by air.
While conducting research it was found that the United States has ran into another problem when it comes to the war on drugs. Another way that drug traffickers are entering the U.S. with drugs is by air. Research shows that drug trafficking by