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Research & Philosophy - Tqm Affects on Firms & Employees

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Research Philosophy and Practice -C11BU

Assignment Number One

Presented To: Professor Mike Danson

Presented By: Mike

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a system of quality control that has existed since the 1950’s. TQM depends upon a hierarchy of stakeholders, executives and higher management personnel in companies that must administer and apply TQM ideologies for employees. Improvement has always been considered as a continuous process whereby every team member administering and applying TQM aspires to persistently improve the product, process flow, result and services Bowen, Gundalch (2013). The following journals elaborate on the utilization of TQM in various fields within industries proving its efficiency and effectiveness when implemented properly allowing for higher success rates and outcomes when managing projects. However, if not utilized effectively the strategy and processes fail to deliver adequate results and quality becomes an obstacle rather than an improvement process.

Ephrem Berhe, Birhanu Abebe & Daniel Azene (2017): A new perspective to productivity measurement, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 28:1-2, 205-217

The following journal has been conducted to view the different perspective of productivity and its different practice in firms, while venturing through a new way of measuring productivity. Subtly taking into account different variables of competences and successes from the firm’s advantageous inputs, as well as the arithmetic inverse of the regular productivity ratio. Thus, allowing the firms to better process their productivity, waste management and costs, while indirectly linking it to TQM. The Journal is targeting firms and production industries with a broad audience composing of practitioners and academies. Holding a Two* rating per ABS, the three authors are master’s students at the School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. The empirical section is based on four manufacturing waste plants and two stressed products. The emphasized discoveries can be identified as to the new model of production and quality used to aid executives when commissioning on the dimensions, credentials, and the annihilation of scrap from the manufacturing processes.

Juan José Tarí & Muhammad Madi Bin Abdullah (2017) Effects of contextual variables on quality and performance, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 28:1-2

The following journal has been conducted to observe and inspect the controlling and regulating aspects of multiple appropriately related variables that consist of: 1- ISO 9000 Registration; 2-  Magnitude of Companies, 3- Scope of Operations, in accordance to the stages of Quality Management (QM) as well as its implications on the performance aspect of TQM. Upon scrutiny of the above stated variables the effects are assessed from QM to influence the capability and fulfilment levels on electrical and electronic firms. The Journal is mainly targeting the different aspects of electrical and electronic firms, the main target audience is concentrated on the firm the executives and an academic audience. Holding a Two* rating per ABS, the first author has more than ninety-three publications and an acting instructor, while the second author is a senior lecturer with multiple publications and studies in TQM and continuous improvements on performance through the approach of quality. The empirical section was conducted through a survey consisting of 275 managers and data from 255 firms using t-test, analysis of variances and hierarchical regression as statistical tools. The emphasized discoveries identify ISO-registered firms, large and multinational firms that partake in higher levels of QM which also hold adequate certifications. Thus it could be formulated that the performance of a firm increases drastically when TQM has been implemented successfully.

Joaquín Gómez Gómez, Micaela Martínez Costa & Ángel R. Martínez Lorente (2017) EFQM Excellence Model and TQM: an empirical comparison, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 28:1-2, 88-103.

The following journal argues how the diverse versions of excellence and TQM have progressed throughout different phases while stressing on the joint features and their individual features. For TQM principles are the foundations on which the diverse features of excellence have been advanced and where the viewpoint of managing for success in the enduring visions and performance are set to certain types of firms. Thus, the development of the excellence design has been set as a joint practice to be implemented as the operative classification of TQM. In the application of TQM’s collection of references extending from HRM to Suppliers management. However EFQM Excellence Model (EEM) segregates the foundations to five enablers and four outcomes, where they are analyzed and linked to the foundations that comprise TQM. Holding a Two* rating per ABS, the journal targets executives as well as scholars to be considered as part of their application tool of TQM. At this point of time it’s still unclear whether or not their exists an equality amongst EFQM & TQM. The administration of TQM requires a positive endorsement of tools from both Human Resource Management (HRM) and a value chain model of the supplier’s end. Meanwhile, EEM has been segregated into five enablers and four results. Upon viewing the journal an affiliation amongst TQM is found within the five facilitators presented in the study, as well as that of EEM. Therefore, the results formulate the possibility to settle that EEM and TQM, although are not similar, trail a parallel track and it can be foreseen that a firm with high levels of EEM will have high probabilities of being a TQM firm. That have been stated the mutual designs provide a way for advancing performance in accordance to the outcomes calculated by the EEM.

António Ramos Pires, Jorge Novas, Margarida Saraiva & Aida Coelho (2017) How companies use the information about quality-related costs, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 28:5-6, 501-521

The following journal emphasizes on extensive matter of Quality Related Costs (QRC), which is one of the slightly thought of issues relating to the methodology of the firms use of the QRC data. The QRC data has been analyzed in relation to executive managerial  consideration to control systems.  The Journal is targeting firms and a broad audience composing of practitioners and academies. Holding a Two* rating per ABS. The empirical section of the information collected was through questionnaire survey to a sample of certified companies that necessitate the process of principal component analysis, one-way analysis of variance, cluster analysis and discriminant analysis. Thus provided findings that compose a considerable part of the firms use of the QRC data to assign goals, motivate contribution and monitor implementation. Keeping in mind the temporary learning of organizations allowing the emergent of new ideas and strategies. The emphasized discoveries state that 32% of firms report negative values while only 30 %   indulge in a diagnostic profile. From the data presented the firms assume enterprises to commence with the QRC information, but unfortunately are not being executed in the management process by the executives.



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