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Research for Senior Managers Proposal

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Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management (QCF)

Module Details

Module Code and Name        : F/503/5091Research for Senior Managers

Marking Tutor                : Prof. Kennedy Gunawardhana

Credit Value                        : 25

Issue Date                        : 12/06/2016

Submission Deadline        : 20/11/2016

Student Details

Student Name                : Suloshini Paramasivam

Learner Registration No        : ADSPB1511

Title of the Assignment        :  Female Involvement In Managerial Position Of                                           Universities In Sri Lanka (Proposal)

Table of contents                                                                   Page no.

1. Introduction………………………………….…..………………………        3


2. Rational of the Study………………………….…..………….................        3

3. Problem Statement of the Research problem…………………………..... 4

4. Research Objective…………………………………….……...................        5

5. Literate Review………………………………………..…………………        6

6. Methodology……………………………………………………………..        9

7. Reference…………………………………………………………………12

1. Introduction

This research attempts to investigate the Women’s limited participation in Managerial Positions of Universities of Sri Lanka. The main emphasis of this research is to identify whether there are limitations for women to attain Managerial Positions in Sri Lanka.

Quantitative and Qualitative approaches are to be applied in this research. Both Primary and Secondary data will be gathered. Questionnaire, Interview and Observation methods will be used to collect Primary data and Secondary data will be gathered from the Department of Census and Statistics, Department of Labor of Ministry of Labor Relations and Foreign Employment and related articles and web site also.

2. Rational of the study

Although Sri Lanka has a higher literacy rate and gender parity of enrollment in education there is discrimination in recruiting women in the private sector when it compare with the public sector. Though private sector powers in contributing to the production of the country such kind of weakness can be seen.

According to annual report on labor force survey (2009)  of Department of Census and Statistics demonstrate that the private sector dominance in generating employment opportunities by increasing the share of private sector employees while public sector employees declined it clearly shows that the women participation in the private sector is decreasing than the public sector Although Sri Lanka has higher literary rate and gender parity of enrollment in education, there is discrimination in recruiting women for managerial positions.

Women’s participation in occupations like professionals, clerk….. etc.. already has considerable rate. But very low rate of women could attain the position like senior officials and managers when it compared with other countries.

Most of the time, though the country has a higher rate of educated female for the managerial positions due to various perceptions of

  • Status (married / unmarried)
  • Maternity
  • Leadership
  • Confidence
  • Skills in computer technology
  • Commitment……etc.

Considering all those factors this researcher stabs to check whether there are limitations for women to attain managerial positions in the Universities of Sri Lanka.

3. Problem Statement of the Research Problem

After emergence of the Donoughmore Constitution in1931 Roman were entitled to have voting power as a special feature on it; “Universal Franchise”. After many struggles, enormous dedication and grate leading C. W. W. Kannangara was introduced the Free Education to Sri Lanka in 1954 as a fortunate opportunity for the nation. Through all such special incidences with the independence of 1948 women in Sri Lanka receive more freedom and power when it compares with early era.

Sri Lanka had an open economy in 1677’s by paving the way for more production & employment opportunities. While keeping higher unemployment rate than the male still female dominated on employment in agricultural labor incentives or low paid activities, though they are enjoying many freedoms or benefits when it compares with other countries. Jayaweera, S., Pal, M. S., (1999) explained “Women have access to employment opportunities and incomes but they are employed chiefly in semi-skilled labor-intensive industries irrespective of their educational level without opportunities for upgrading skills.”

Although Sri Lanka has the highest literacy rate and gender equality of enrollment in education still it could be seen the high youth unemployment especially among the educated females. By considering all information this research attempts to investigate whether there are some limitations for women to attain managerial positions.

4. Research Objective

Following objectives also proposes to use,

  • To identify the perception of the Universities, about female participation in managerial positions in their field.
  • To identify specific causes which limit the involvement of women in managerial positions?
  • Critically analyses the limitations or disadvantages when recruiting a women for managerial position on behalf of a man.
  • To commence the achievements or advantages gain from existing female participation in managerial positions.

Globally lot of published and unpublished research articles related to “Women in Development” could be found out,



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