Rightly Dividing the Word
Essay by review • December 1, 2010 • Essay • 1,872 Words (8 Pages) • 1,717 Views
Rightly Dividing the Word
Pastor Larry Smith
The Authority of the Word of God
Scriptures Special Points Presented
*John 17:17 Word is truth.
John 4:23-24 Must worship in spirit and in truth. Must have both
to be a true worshipper.
John 1:1,14 Jesus is the living Word.
John 12:48 Word will judge us in the last day.
*Rev. 20:12-15 Two books (Book of Life, and the other 66 books of
the Bible) that will judge us in the last day. Our works
will be judged by the Word.
*II Tim. 3:12-16 Verse 14 - things thou hast learned. What things?
Things taught by Paul. We must obey what the apostles
taught. Verse 16 - Word is inspired of God. Profitable
for Doctrine, Reproof, Correction, and Instruction.
*II Peter 1:20-21 No private interpretation. Men wrote as moved by the
Holy Ghost.
*II Peter 3:15-18 -Possible to wrestle with the scriptures to own destruction.
-In error of the wicked if you fall from your own
Steadfastness (fall from what the apostle taught).
*Rev. 22:18-20 Can't add nor take away from the Word.
*II Tim. 2:15 Word must be rightly divided.
-Four Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Biography
of the life of Jesus.
-Acts - Actions of the apostles - the only book in the new
Testament with the verbatim preaching of the apostles to
the lost telling them how to be saved.
-Epistles - Romans through Jude - letters to the church.
-Revelation - Book of prophecy (written in symbolic form).
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Importance of the Word
Questions to inspire thought and purpose.
1. Some say, "It doesn't matter what you believe as long as you are sincere." Can a person be sincerely wrong? What does the Word say about this?
2. Is doctrine important according to the Word?
3. Are there false prophets today?
4. Who are false prophets according to the Word?
5. Is the "Word-Doctrine-Gospel" necessary for salvation?
*II Tim. 4:1-4 -Preach the Word.
-Time will come - men will not endure sound doctrine.
-Turn from the truth. What truth? The one taught by the
I Tim. 1:3 No other doctrine, from what? From the one Paul and the
apostles taught.
*I Tim. 4:13-16 Doctrine will save you and those that hear you.
II Tim. 2:24-26 -Possible to oppose your own self.
-Repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. If you
don't know the truth, you are in the snare of the devil.
II Tim. 3:1-7 -Having a form but denying the power.
-Ever learning yet never able to come to the knowledge of
the truth.
II Tim. 3:10 "My doctrine". Whose doctrine? Paul's.
*James 1:21-23 Must be a doer of the Word for it is able to save your soul.
*Matt. 7:13-24 -Beware of false prophets.
-He that heareth the sayings of Jesus and doeth them builds
upon the rock. What is the rock then? The Word.
*Matt. 16:18-19 -Build the church upon the rock - revelation of who He is.
-Whatever Peter binds on earth is bound in heaven.
I Peter 1:22-25 -Purified souls in obeying the truth.
-Being born again by the Word of God.
-Incorruptible seed, it endureth forever.
-Which by the gospel is preached unto you. This proves
the Gospel and the Word are one and it is speaking of the
gospel Peter preached.
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*I Peter 2:6-8 -Rock of stumbling - to them which stumble at the Word.
-Being disobedient to the Word.
-Rock of offense - When you are offended at the Word
the apostles preached, you are offended at Jesus, your
-The gospel is our foundation we must build upon.
*Eph. 2:18-22 -Foundation of the apostles and prophets. Why them?
because they are the ones that preached the Word. We
must obey what they preached in order to build on Jesus.
*John 17:17-20 Jesus prayed for them that would believe on Him according
To the apostles' words.
*Gal. 1:6-12 -Must