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Rip Experiments Using Gns3 - Configure Network

Essay by   •  April 28, 2016  •  Course Note  •  544 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,191 Views

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Project 2

 RIP experiments using GNS3

Network Architecture-I Fall 2013

Due December 3rd 5:30pm both paper and Bb submissions

•Configure network as below, and show all your work doing the following steps.

[pic 1]

  1. Show your interface configuration for each node

[pic 2]

[pic 3]

[pic 4]

[pic 5]

  1. Run rip protocol on the network

[pic 6]

[pic 7]

[pic 8]

[pic 9]

[pic 10]

[pic 11]

  1. Enable wireshark on R2-L2 and R3-L2

For R2-L2


[pic 12]


[pic 13]

For R3-L2


[pic 14]


[pic 15]

  1. Do traceroute from R1 to R4 and from R4 and R1

Traceroute from R1 to R4

[pic 16]

Traceroute from R4 to R1

[pic 17]

  1. Bring down R1-L2

[pic 18]

  1. Do traceroute from R1 to R4 and from R4 and R1

Traceroute from R1 to R4

[pic 19]

[pic 20]

Traceroute from R4 to R1

[pic 21]

  1. Filter rip packets and comment about the routing convergence.

After shutting down link R1-L2

For link R2-L2

No change in RIP packets


[pic 22]


[pic 23]

For link R3-L2

[pic 24]

We can see that after shutting down R1-L2 link there is no RIP packet from We are getting only RIP message from

First RIP packet from

[pic 25]

 Last RIP packet from

[pic 26]

There is change in routing information protocol as link R1-L2 is down.

  1. Write a short paragraph on what you have learned, difficulties/challenges, and suggestions to others/future students from your experience.

When we started the project, we didn’t know how to use GNS3 to create a network topology and to configure routers. After completing this project, we have been familiar with lot of console commands of router. Now, we know how to assign IP addresses on interfaces, how to set the routes (both static and dynamic). Setting up Dynamic route needs more processes comparing with static route set up. We have also learned how to make an interface up and down, how to observe interface configuration, how to burn configuration permanently on router’s ROM. We have been more familiar with Putty like taking Putty logs and analyzing from it. Finally, capturing packets from two different links and analyzing them using wireshark before and after shutting down link R1-L2 has made our idea clear about routing convergence. Initially, we faced difficulty in downloading GNS3 since in the all-in-one package, we didn’t get any downloadable link. So, we downloaded the 64-bit version. Then, we faced difficulty using the console but after making some changes in the setting it started working fine. We were not familiar with the procedure of burning configuration permanently on the ROM of the router. So, each time we started GNS3 we had to configure the topology. Finally, we had to face difficulty with analyzing packets in wireshark because we couldn’t understand that we had to capture packets from two different links. These were the main challenges that we faced. Suggestion for others is that they should go through the help file of wireshark to learn how capturing and analyzing packets is done using it, to know about the static and dynamic routing before applying it to a particular router since as a network administrator one should always look for the efficiency. So, students need to learn which type of routing is efficient for which specific case.



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