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Roman Imperialism

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Roman Imperialism

Roman Imperialism “changed the world” through many different ways. History has proved this time and again. To name a few, the Roman period influenced philosophy, government, civics and the arts. This pivotal time in history helped shape the way western culture and civilization is today.

One important philosophy of this time period was Stoicism which first appeared in the Greek Hellenistic period. This popular, optimistic school of thought continued into the Roman Era. The main points of Stoicism were “acceptance of fate and duty, and the kinship of all people.” (p.17) “Kinship of all people” influenced Roman Law providing the goal of justice for everyone, which still holds true today, especially in western cultures. According to the text, by the early first century B.C.E. became more cultured and universal and was a huge part of the Roman spirit. The reason Stoicism was so popular in Rome was because it appealed to so both lower and upper social/economic classes.

According to the text, another reason Roman Imperialism changed the world was due to a great leader, although he was never “emperor “of Rome, Agustus (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus) ruled for forty-five years (31 B.C.E вЂ" 14 C. E.) Under Agustus’s rule, he rebuilt temples, (which had been previously destroyed in battle) built roads which linked the entire Roman Empire, bridges, and aqueducts. He is accredited with creating the first full-time police force and fire fighters. He is also accredited for maintaining peace in Rome which last almost two hundred years, known today as the Pax Romana.

Rome had taken over so much territory in its Imperialism. The Roman Empire in and of itself, covered more than three million square miles (pp.115-116), reaching to the Rivers Rhine and Danube in present day Germany. With that much control, strong influence and change not only seemed unavoidable but inevitable. Where ever Romans went, they took their culture with them.

Jurisprudence was the most influential concept developed by the Roman Imperialism, deciding how general laws could be applied to specific cases. Justice for all is represented again, and it appealed to different social classes again. The Romans applied philosophy to legal cases, therefore, general principles were brought about and laws were thought to be applied consistently, in turn making laws the same for everyone, disregarding social status.

Not only did the Roman people influence philosophy, civics and government, but the arts also played a small role on their influence on the rest of the world. Roman art was actually influenced by Greek Classical and Hellenistic styles. Fresco’s



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